Daily Archives: septembre 27, 2017

Beggars in the San Francisco Area

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The Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) in the San Francisco Bay Area has seen a large increase of panhandlers and beggars some of which are most probably Roma.
Bad publicity for all.

– Crew Of Panhandlers On BART Turn Out To Be Roma, Living In Hayward. In: SFist. 26.09.2017. http://sfist.com/2017/09/26/crew_of_panhandlers_on_bart_turn_ou.php [link-preview url=”http://sfist.com/2017/09/26/crew_of_panhandlers_on_bart_turn_ou.php”]

A Ciambra

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The movie “A Ciambra” has been officially named the Italian Oscar contender.

– A Ciambra named Italy’s Oscar candidate. In: Ansa. 26.09.2017. http://www.ansa.it/english/news/lifestyle/arts/2017/09/26/a-ciambra-named-italys-oscar-candidate_94efab7b-1efe-41cd-ac2e-c675e1959664.html [link-preview url=”http://www.ansa.it/english/news/lifestyle/arts/2017/09/26/a-ciambra-named-italys-oscar-candidate_94efab7b-1efe-41cd-ac2e-c675e1959664.html”]

Italy: Still Waiting

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The Italian National Congress of Roma, Sinti and Travellers protested on the capitol to ask for the administration to close the Castelromano camp and for a real social inclusion plan. The locals complain of extreme conditions in terms of hygiene, with diseases spreading especially among the many children. “We ask the mayor to close immediately Castelromano. Conditions are no longer viable,” said Luigi Hamidovic, representative of the Roma community in Castelromano.

– Roma, sinti e rom in Campidoglio: “Basta campi e degrado, vogliamo casa e lavoro”. In: La Republica. 21.09.2017. https://video.repubblica.it/edizione/roma/roma-sinti-e-rom-in-campidoglio-basta-campi-e-degrado-vogliamo-casa-e-lavoro/285260/285873 [link-preview url=”https://video.repubblica.it/edizione/roma/roma-sinti-e-rom-in-campidoglio-basta-campi-e-degrado-vogliamo-casa-e-lavoro/285260/285873″]
