Daily Archives: septembre 29, 2017

Anina Ciuciu

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A few more days till the vote for the senate seat where Anina Ciuciu is a candidate. The election of this particular seat is taking place on the 1. of October and not, as we erroneously stated last week on the 24th of September.

– Roma woman vies for seat in the French Senate. In: The French Tribune. 27.09.2018. http://www.frenchtribune.com/teneur/25649-roma-woman-vies-seat-french-senate [link-preview url=”http://www.frenchtribune.com/teneur/25649-roma-woman-vies-seat-french-senate”]

Autonomous Hungarian Roma Province?

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István Kamarás, a Hungarian Roma who fled to Canada and came back to the country, is advocating the idea of an autonomous Roma province in North Eastern Hungary. His main argument is the current corruption among the distribution of the EU funds for Roma and the inefficiency of Roma politicians in Budapest.
Still, this is a dangerous idea.

– Referendum proposed on autonomous Roma province in Hungary. In: The Hungarian Free Press. 28.09.2017. http://hungarianfreepress.com/2017/09/28/referendum-proposed-on-autonomous-roma-province-in-hungary/ [link-preview url=”http://hungarianfreepress.com/2017/09/28/referendum-proposed-on-autonomous-roma-province-in-hungary/”]

Why Roma Hide their Origins

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The German federal conference of Roma youth will be taking place this coming week end in Freiburg, Germany. The theme of the discussion is why many Roma simply hide or omit to mention their origins.
Many cite stereotypes and outright hostility as the main reason.

– Interview: Warum viele junge Roma und Sinti ihre Identität verstecken. In: Fudder. 28.09.2017. http://fudder.de/interview-warum-viele-junge-roma-und-sinti-ihre-identitaet-verstecken–142603167.html [link-preview url=”http://fudder.de/interview-warum-viele-junge-roma-und-sinti-ihre-identitaet-verstecken–142603167.html”]
