Daily Archives: octobre 3, 2017

Czech Republic and Internet Racism

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The Czech justice dismissed several cases of Internet hate speech submitted by the Rome organisation in the Czech Republic.
Judge by yourself, but the statements are definitively racist.

– Czech Police say threats to “bring Roma children to justice” are not criminal. In: Romea. 02.10.2017. http://www.romea.cz/en/news/czech/czech-police-say-threats-to-bring-roma-children-to-justice-are-not-criminal [link-preview url=”http://www.romea.cz/en/news/czech/czech-police-say-threats-to-bring-roma-children-to-justice-are-not-criminal”]

Czech Republic: 245’800

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According to a recently released statistic, there are 245’800 Roma in the Czech Republic. The region with the highest number was the one of Usti nad Labem, with 68’500.
These statistics are usually very unreliable as many Roma prefer not to declare themselves as such, resulting in an over-representation of Roma living in Ghettos and a lower overall number.

– V Česku žije podľa najnovšieho sčítania vyše 245-tisíc Rómov. In: SME. 08.09.2017. https://svet.sme.sk/c/20644588/v-cesku-zije-podla-najnovsieho-scitania-vyse-245-tisic-romov.html [link-preview url=”https://svet.sme.sk/c/20644588/v-cesku-zije-podla-najnovsieho-scitania-vyse-245-tisic-romov.html”]
