Daily Archives: octobre 7, 2017

Slovakia: New Health Program.

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Roma living in segregated communities suffer from high rates of chronic and infectious diseases, as well as reduced physical and mental (SIC!) performance. In some areas of Slovakia, their life expectancy is 15 years lower than in the majority population. Therefore, the Ministry of Health already launched the Health Promotion Program for the Disadvantaged Communities in Slovakia in 2013, which in 2015 was changed to a program aimed at supporting the improvement of Roma health from segregated areas, especially in the 150 municipalities identified as the least developed. This is stated in the information material submitted by the Minister of Health Tomáš Drucker and the Government has taken note of it at today’s meeting.
A new national program is being set up to continue the work.
How about simply integrating the Roma???

– Ministerstvo zdravotníctva spúšťa nový program pre Rómov: Trpia vysokou frekvenciou ochorení. In: Topky. 07.10.2017. http://www.topky.sk/cl/100535/1660553/Ministerstvo-zdravotnictva-spusta-novy-program-pre-Romov–Trpia-vysokou-frekvenciou-ochoreni [link-preview url=”http://www.topky.sk/cl/100535/1660553/Ministerstvo-zdravotnictva-spusta-novy-program-pre-Romov–Trpia-vysokou-frekvenciou-ochoreni”]

Roma, Slovakia, and Language

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A map of the languages spoken by Roma in Slovakia (principal language). A Roma activist has proposed that Romanes be taught as a language in school as it is the principal language (often together with Hungarian) of many Roma in Slovakia.

– Slovenčinu chcú učiť ako cudzí jazyk, nová mapa ukazuje, kde sa mieša s rómčinou. In: Dennik. 03.10.2017. https://dennikn.sk/898985/slovencinu-mozu-ucit-ako-cudzi-jazyk-nova-mapa-ukazuje-kde-sa-miesa-s-romcinou/ [link-preview url=”https://dennikn.sk/898985/slovencinu-mozu-ucit-ako-cudzi-jazyk-nova-mapa-ukazuje-kde-sa-miesa-s-romcinou/”]

Rome, Corruption, and Roma

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A long article about the state corruption and the involvement of a Roma gang in housing estates around Rome.
Bad for everyone.

– Roma, nelle mani dei clan 600 case Ater. In: Roma Republica. 06.10.2017. http://roma.repubblica.it/cronaca/2017/10/06/news/roma_nelle_mani_dei_clan_600_case_ater-177492001/ [link-preview url=”http://roma.repubblica.it/cronaca/2017/10/06/news/roma_nelle_mani_dei_clan_600_case_ater-177492001/”]

Dotschy Reinhardt

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A concert and an overview of her new Album.

– Worms: Sinti-Jazz von Dotschy Reinhardt – Auftritt am 12. Oktober im oberen Foyer des Wormser Theaters. 06.10.2017. http://www.metropolnews.info/mp287295/worms-sinti-jazz-von-dotschy-reinhardt-auftritt-am-12-oktober-im-oberen-foyer-des-wormser-theaters [link-preview url=”http://www.metropolnews.info/mp287295/worms-sinti-jazz-von-dotschy-reinhardt-auftritt-am-12-oktober-im-oberen-foyer-des-wormser-theaters”]
