Daily Archives: octobre 23, 2017

Slovenia: More on the Roma Protest

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The protest last week of about 100 Roma in front of the Slovenaian parliament had quite an echo in the local press.

– Skupina Romov pred vlado zahteva odpravo diskriminacije. In: Delo. 16.10.2017. http://www.delo.si/novice/ljubljana/protest-romov-sredi-ljubljani.html
– Prvi romski protest. In: Mladina. 16.10.2017. http://www.mladina.si/182355/prvi-romski-protest/
– PROTESTNI SHOD ROMOV. In: RTV 4. 16.10.2017. http://4d.rtvslo.si/arhiv/prvi-dnevnik/174496852
– Romi, končno. In: Večer, V Soboto. 21.10.2017. https://www.vecer.com/romi-koncno-6332800

France: On an Article …

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An article called “Aimer son corps au cœur du bidonville” [Love one’s body at the heart of a shantytown] takes us in quite a few sterotypes. An excellent analysis of the article and the stereotypes and prejudices is donen in Mediapart – a must read. In addition, this article was funded in part by the French state and universities.

– Aimer son corps au cœur du bidonville. In: The Conversation. 13.10.2017. http://theconversation.com/aimer-son-corps-au-coeur-du-bidonville-85019
– Romstorie: Tintin chez les Roms. In: Mediapart. 18.10.2017. https://blogs.mediapart.fr/jacques-debot/blog/181017/romstorie-tintin-chez-les-roms
