Daily Archives: novembre 3, 2017

UNHCR – Stateless and Roma

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A UNHCR survey on displaced and stateless people (as well as on Roma) clearly shows the discrimination they are subjected to.

– UNHCR: Staatenlose Minderheiten werden stark diskriminiert. In: Toponline.ch. 03.11.2017. http://www.toponline.ch/news/welt/detail/news/unhcr-staatenlose-minderheiten-werden-stark-diskriminiert-0075808/ [link-preview url=”http://www.toponline.ch/news/welt/detail/news/unhcr-staatenlose-minderheiten-werden-stark-diskriminiert-0075808/”]

Slovenia: Time Bomb?

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An article on Roma settlements in the South Eastern part of Slovenia. These are described at potential social time bombs (really …) due to high natality, unemployment and poverty.
The article is biased. The journalist is “astonished” to see that many Roma have “Slovenes” parents or grandparents as if Roma in Slovenia were not “Slovenes” and as if “Slovenes” was an ethnicity.

– Kritične razmere v velikem romskem naselju. In: Novice Najdi. 01.11.2017. http://novice.najdi.si/predogled/novica/18a8e42d2e8a5f12ca53e0d9303c1251/Svet24-si/Slovenija/Kritične-razmere-v-velikem-romskem-naselju [link-preview url=”http://novice.najdi.si/predogled/novica/18a8e42d2e8a5f12ca53e0d9303c1251/Svet24-si/Slovenija/Kritične-razmere-v-velikem-romskem-naselju”]

Germany – a Long Fight

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An article and review of the long fight that led to the recognition by Germany of the racial motivation of the Holocaust against Sinti and Roma. This was only achieved in 1982 …

– Langer Kampf gegen Verfolgung. In: Deutschlandfunk. 02.11.2017. http://www.deutschlandfunk.de/sinti-und-roma-buergerrechtsbewegung-langer-kampf-gegen.1769.de.html?dram:article_id=399680 [link-preview url=”http://www.deutschlandfunk.de/sinti-und-roma-buergerrechtsbewegung-langer-kampf-gegen.1769.de.html?dram:article_id=399680″]
