Daily Archives: novembre 20, 2017

Sofia: Interdiction of Carriages

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Horse carriages have been banned “for security reasons” from the centre of town. This means that many Roma who use them to earn their livings will no longer be able to come in the centre and will loose their livelihood.
According to TV Nova, this is more about the image that Sofia wants to project when Bulgaria will be the president of the EU in the first semester of 2018.

– BULGARIE : LES CHARRETTES DES ROMS VONT DISPARAÎTRE DU CENTRE DE SOFIA. In: Le Corrier des Balkans. 19.11.2017. https://www.courrierdesbalkans.fr/Bulgarie-Les-charrettes-vont-disparaitre-du-centre-de-Sofia [link-preview url=”https://www.courrierdesbalkans.fr/Bulgarie-Les-charrettes-vont-disparaitre-du-centre-de-Sofia”]

Lausanne: Homeless Manifestation

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Homeless people, Roma, addicts etc. and some militants have spent the night outside in front of a church in the centre of town to protest about the lack of sleeping places in the town. The city is known for its interdiction of begging, something directed at Roma even though the number of beggars in the city was never more than 60.

– Ils passent la nuit dehors avec les sans-abri. Le Courrier. 13.11.2017. https://www.lecourrier.ch/154243/ils_passent_la_nuit_dehors_avec_les_sans_abri [link-preview url=”https://www.lecourrier.ch/154243/ils_passent_la_nuit_dehors_avec_les_sans_abri”]

UK Abuse

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Following the accusations of a social workers in Glasgow whereas Roma children were sold into prostitution by their parents, the police is investigating.

– Police to launch inquiry into Roma sex abuse claims in Govanhill. In: The Times. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/police-to-launch-inquiry-into-roma-sex-abuse-claims-in-govanhill-nzmcldp7z [link-preview url=”https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/police-to-launch-inquiry-into-roma-sex-abuse-claims-in-govanhill-nzmcldp7z”]
