Daily Archives: décembre 20, 2017

Interview with the Director of the Brno Roma Museum

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Jana Horvathova, the director of the Brno Roma museum gave a lengthy interview to Romea and spoke about the purchase of the pig farm on the site of the former concentration camp of Lety.

– Jana Horváthová: Today Czech society perceives removing the pig farm from the Roma genocide site as necessary. In: Romea. 19.12.2017. http://www.romea.cz/en/news/czech/jana-horvathova-today-czech-society-perceives-removing-the-pig-farm-from-the-roma-genocide-site-as-necessary
– Jana Horváthová: Dnes už společnost vnímá likvidaci vepřína za potřebnou. In: Romea. 19.12.2017. http://www.romea.cz/cz/romano-vodi/jana-horvathova-dnes-uz-spolecnost-vnima-likvidaci-veprina-za-potrebnou [link-preview url=”http://www.romea.cz/en/news/czech/jana-horvathova-today-czech-society-perceives-removing-the-pig-farm-from-the-roma-genocide-site-as-necessary “]

Hungary: Intimidation

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A group of extreme right Hungarians is on trial for having constantly harassed and threatened members of a Roma family in Szucs. They even moved in next to them to better threaten them and their relatives.
Let’s see what the justice does.

– Vádat emeltek a roma családot fenyegető Betyársereg-tagok ellen. In: ATV. 18.12.2017. http://www.atv.hu/belfold/20171218-vadat-emeltek-a-roma-csaladot-fenyegeto-betyarsereg-tagjai-ellen [link-preview url=”http://www.atv.hu/belfold/20171218-vadat-emeltek-a-roma-csaladot-fenyegeto-betyarsereg-tagjai-ellen”]

Hungary: Eviction

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A case of self-justice in Hungary. In a small village, the residents destroyed a house which was squatted by a Roma family who could only gather a few of their belongings.
The family had been asked to leave repeatedly and the house belonged to the village. No arrests nor any case has been brought up against the vilalgers.

– Durva önbíráskodás Székelyföldön egy roma családdal szemben. In: HVG. 19.12.2017. http://hvg.hu/vilag/20171219_Onbiraskodas_Szekelyfold_roma_csalad_onkenyes_hazfoglalas [link-preview url=”http://hvg.hu/vilag/20171219_Onbiraskodas_Szekelyfold_roma_csalad_onkenyes_hazfoglalas”]
