Daily Archives: décembre 27, 2017

Slovenia: Green Jobs

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A conference on green jobs for Roma took place at the Slovenian Tourist Complex of Jezero. The conference was organized by the Union for the Development of the Roma minority Preporod in cooperation with the Office for Nationalities of the Republic of Slovenia and the People’s University of Kočevje. Its purpose was to present examples of best practices to Roma and the wider local community to show that Roma themselves can find work.
There were few Roma participants to the conference, something that the Secretary General of the Association Preporod, said was a reflection of the current situation in Kočevje in the field of Roma issues.

– DL: Zelena delovna mesta za Rome – Romi si lahko sami najdejo delo. In: Lokalno. 26.12.2017. http://www.lokalno.si/2017/12/26/188103/aktualno/DL_Zelena_delovna_mesta_za_Rome___Romi_si_lahko_sami_najdejo_delo/ [link-preview url=”http://www.lokalno.si/2017/12/26/188103/aktualno/DL_Zelena_delovna_mesta_za_Rome___Romi_si_lahko_sami_najdejo_delo/”]

Kiev: Integration Help

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Activists are helping Roma to integrated. Always to be taken with a grain of salt, as Human Rights are not necessarily the best angle for integration. Education of the overall population and generally education are key.
But good an necessary job in any case!

– Human rights activist from Kharkiv helps Roma community to integrate. In: Kyiv Post. 25.12.2017. https://www.kyivpost.com/lifestyle/people/journalism-of-tolerance/human-rights-activist-kharkiv-helps-roma-community-integrate.html [link-preview url=”https://www.kyivpost.com/lifestyle/people/journalism-of-tolerance/human-rights-activist-kharkiv-helps-roma-community-integrate.html”]

Australian Beer …

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Well, it seems that Australia is somewhat indebted to Roma … The inventor of Australian beer was an English petty Roma thief deported to the colonies.

– The man who invented Australian beer was a British petty thief. In: The Daily Telegraph. 24.12.2017. https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw/the-man-who-invented-australian-beer-was-a-british-petty-thief/news-story/599db1e8dfb78757786a14661044585a [link-preview url=”https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw/the-man-who-invented-australian-beer-was-a-british-petty-thief/news-story/599db1e8dfb78757786a14661044585a”]
