Daily Archives: décembre 30, 2017


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– A BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO ANTIGYPSYISM. In: The Norwich Radical. 29.12.2017. https://thenorwichradical.com/2017/12/29/a-beginners-guide-to-antigypsyism/ [link-preview url=”https://thenorwichradical.com/2017/12/29/a-beginners-guide-to-antigypsyism/”]

Hungary: A bit too Easy

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Tibor Ágoston, a Jobbik representative in the city of Debrecen in Eastern Hungary, voted against the local government scholarship for a young Rom. In his speech, he said he would support real talent in Debrecen, but not a “catch all” program.
Jobbik initiated an investigation into the case.
It turns out that Tibor Ágoston was sentenced to a HUF 750,000 (2’500 EUR) in March 2016 for holocaust denial. A nice fellow he certainly is.
He has now made a written statement resigning from all his positions and functions in Jobbik.

– Kilépett a Jobbikból a roma fiatal támogatását megvonó képviselő. In: Index. 28.12.2017. https://index.hu/belfold/2017/12/28/kilepett_a_jobbikbol_a_roma_fiataltol_a_tamogatast_megvono_kepviselo/
– Inkább kilép a Jobbikból a roma fiatalon gúnyolódó debreceni képviselő. In: HVG. 28.12.2017. http://hvg.hu/itthon/20171228_Inkabb_kilep_a_Jobbikbol_a_roma_fiatalon_gunyolodo_debreceni_kepviselo [link-preview url=”https://index.hu/belfold/2017/12/28/kilepett_a_jobbikbol_a_roma_fiataltol_a_tamogatast_megvono_kepviselo/ “]

Slow Swiss …

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The Swiss are true to their reputation: Everything with ponderation, consideration, and discussion. In this case, the Swiss Federal Government set up a task force to make proposal for bettering the situation of Jenische (Swiss Travellers) Sinti and Roma. In 2014 …
In 2017, no end to the story, as the final report is still outstanding.

– Was wurde eigentlich aus dem Aktionsplan für Fahrende? In: Tages Anzeiger. 29.12.2017. https://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/schweiz/standard/was-wurde-eigentlich-aus-dem-aktionsplan-fuer-schweizer-fahrende/story/29830508 [link-preview url=”https://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/schweiz/standard/was-wurde-eigentlich-aus-dem-aktionsplan-fuer-schweizer-fahrende/story/29830508″]
