Monthly Archives: décembre 2017

75 Years Ago

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An article in English on the Auschwitz laws issued by Himmler that started the deportation and Holocaust for Sinti and Roma.

– Remembering Himmler’s ‘Auschwitz decree’ to exterminate Roma and Sinti. In: Deutsche Welle. 16.12.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

How Bad Can it Get?

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Reading this article, one cannot but ask how bad journalism can get. It seems this is a very deep pit indeed. This article manages to present all stereotypes, mixes travellers and Roma and well, is of really bad taste …
What else can one expect from this paper…

– It’s a big fat gypsy Christmas! Granddaughter of Traveller king Paddy Doherty’s delight as Santa brings her a new CHALET (and schoolgirl wants it to be just as bling as her grandpa’s). In: Daily Mail. 14.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]

French Chronicle …

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Less evictions in France, due to the winter pause, but lots of activities regarding Roma. Discussions on Roma in Marseilles, where politicians of various sides violently disagreed; in Nimes, Roma and unemployment are the greatest worries; in Celleneuve, a suburb of Montpellier, residents managed to force a debate on a Roma camp; in Nantes, in the West, Roima are being integrated, which is good; and in Grenoble, in the Alps, an evening was devoted to reducing stereotypes on Roma. Finally, near Paris, a camp was closed.

– Marseille : le sort des Roms se fraye un chemin dans l’hémicycle. In: La Marseillaise. 12.12.2017.
– NÎMES APL, chômage et Roms, les sujets sensibles du Gard. In: Objectif Gard. 10.12.2017.
– Camp Roms de Celleneuve : les riverains de Bionne obtiennent une réunion publique. In: Métropolitain. 11.12.2017.
– Près de Nantes, le pari de l’insertion des Roms. In: La Croix. 13.12.2017.
– Une soirée contre les préjugés avec Roms Action. In: Le Dauphiné. 11.12.2017.
– Ris-Orangis : un camp de Roms évacué le long de la N 104. In: Le Parisien. 14.12.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Slovakia: Blow it Up?

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Really? In Slovakia, a house in which Roma live has been bought by the municipality and will be demolished as it is a “disgrace” in the village. What about its inhabitants… Well best is that they move on.
No comments.

– Starosta Krásnej Rómov aj tak presťahuje. Radšej už neprezradí kam. In SME. 15.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Times of the Gypsies

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The movie the Time of the Gypsies is now also a theatre production. It has been presented as a musical in Turkey for the first time.
While the movie was excellent as a movie, it presented Roma in a very stereotypical fashion. Let’s hope the theatre production will not do the same.

– ‘Time of the Gypsies’ now on theater stage. In: The Daily Sabah. 12.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Slovenia: The Roma Councillors

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15 years ago, Slovenia issued a law allowing for Roma to be represented at the local councils in all municipalities where they are present. This institution and the association of Roma Councillors have done a great deal to further the cause of Roma in that country.

– Romski svetniki najbolj poznajo potrebe Romov. In: Večer. 16.12.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

75 Years Ago

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Seventy-five years ago, the Nazis issued the Auschwitz laws (Auschwitz Erlass) which gave the order for the deportation of Sinti and Roma and sent them to their death.
This day is being commemorated across Germany.

– Bundesrat erinnert an Holocaust an Sinti und Roma. In: Deutsche Welle. 15.12.2017.
– Gestern ist heute und morgen. In: TAZ. 15.12.2017.!5467795/
– Gedenken: Das Schicksal der Sinti und Roma. In: Nordbayrischer Kurier. 15.12.2017.
– Gedenken an ermordete Sinti und Roma in der Nazizeit. In: Deutschlandfunk. 15.12.2017.
– Landeshauptstadt gedenkt ermordeten Sinti und Roma. In: Westdeutsche Zeitung. 14.12.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Vienna: 3rd Report on Antitziganism

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Romano Centro published yesterday its third report on Antitziganism in Austria. A must read and well done!

– Wien | Video | Dritter Antiziganismus-Bericht erschienen. In: Romblog. 14.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Lynx and Roma …

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What have a Lynx and Roma in common: Well, in Slovakia, one lynx is roaming in a Roma neighbourhood and is getting acclimated to humans.
It may all end in a Zoo…

– Rys, ktorý desí Rómov, skončí v zoo alebo vo Francúzsku. Konať musia rýchlo. In: TV Noviny. 14.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: Stop Discrimination!

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Slovakia is facing serious criticism. UN says it discriminates Roma!
The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination called on the Slovak government to take effective measures to eliminate discrimination against the Roma minority.

– Slovensko čelí vážnej kritike. OSN tvrdí: Diskriminujete Rómov! In: Pluska. 14.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]


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We will not leave this country to the Nazis. It is our country too!
An appeal from Romani Rose, chariman of the German Council of Sinti and Roma.

– [link-preview url=””]

Greece: Measles

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There have been more than 700 cases of measles among Roma in Greece so far this year, a testimony to the fact that the vaccination rates among Roma are very low.

– Roma at high risk of measles due to low vacination rates. In: Ekathimerini. 13.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Greece: Clashes

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There were severe clashes between the police and Roma north of Athens following the death of a 62 years old Rom in police custody.

– Nine officers injured after Roma clashes. In: Ekathimerini. 13.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Roma in Scotland

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According to the EU, Roma arriving in Scotland are being unfairly targeted by border control.
Not surprising, unfortunately.

– Roma arriving in Scotland being ‘targeted unfairly’. In: The Herald. 12.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Damian le Bas

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The British artist Damian Le Bas died unexpectedly at the age of 54 in his home in Southern England. He was most notably present at the first Sinti and Roma pavilion at the 2007 Venice Biennale.
May he rest in peace!

– Damian Le Bas ist tot. In: Der Spiegel. 11.12.2017.
– Damian Le Bas ist 54-jährig gestorben. In: Luzerner Zeitung. 11.12.2017.;art46444,1156195 [link-preview url=” “]

Poland: Controversy over Schools

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A Polish controversy highlights how Roma are regarded in that country (in spite of their low number): Resident of a Roma settlement are going to school in a neighbouring village instead of going to the school in their own village.
The resident of the other village are complaining saying that the other school is better suited for Roma (yes). In fact, they don’t want Roma in their school …

– Zaognia się wojna o małych Romów z Maszkowic. Szkoła w Jazowsku jest zamknięta na dzieci innego koloru skóry? In: Sadeczanin. 12.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Cirque Romanes

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A NYT article on the Cirque Romanes – a Roma circus at home in Paris since almost 20 years. They moved two years ago in the posh 16th arrondissement in Paris and have faced problems ever since.

– A Roma Circus Makes a Home, and Builds Bridges, in Paris. In: The New York Times. 11.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]

International Holocaust Remembrance

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In the context of the Swiss presidency of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) in 2017, representatives from the IHRA met Roma representatives from Switzerland.

– Meeting with Roma Representatives in Switzerland. In: International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. 05.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]

75 Years Ago

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On December 16th, a commemoration on the 75th anniversary of the “Auschwitz Decree” by Hermann Goering ordering the deportation and thus annihilation of the Sinti and Roma will be held on the site of the former Sachsenhausen camp.

– Gedenken an ermordete Sinti und Roma. In: ND. 11.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]