Daily Archives: janvier 3, 2018

Movie and Stereotypes

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The movie “Pure Hearts” from Roberto De Paolis tells the story of a young girl educated by a pious single mother who meets a parking guard who works across a Roma camp. And the Roma are there as a background with all stereotypes.
Good movie certainly, but touchy way to show cast Roma.

– Bande-annonce : vibrez avec les “Coeurs purs” de Roberto De Paolis. In: Paris-Match. 02.01.2018. http://www.parismatch.com/Culture/Cinema/Bande-annonce-vibrez-avec-les-Coeurs-purs-de-Roberto-De-Paolis-1430690
– «Cœurs purs», virulence et passion. In: Libération. 02.01.2018. https://fr.news.yahoo.com/c-urs-purs-virulence-passion-185614556.html [link-preview url=”https://fr.news.yahoo.com/c-urs-purs-virulence-passion-185614556.html”]

Slovenia: Evictions

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Evictions of Roma settlements continues in Slovenia. And in addition, the Roma get jail terms. REALLY!
Ljubo Novak, a Rom of Dobruška Vas was sentenced to a prison sentence last Wednesday because he built a barracks on land belonging to an agricultural cooperative two decades ago. He had no other choice. Novak now sues Slovenia in Strasbourg.

– Skorajda v zapor – zaradi barake in hleva, brez vode in elektrike. In: Dvenik. 03.01.2018. https://www.dnevnik.si/1042796610 [link-preview url=”https://www.dnevnik.si/1042796610″]
