Daily Archives: janvier 6, 2018

Orban in Germany

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Viktor Orban, the Hungarian Prime Minister, visited the German CSU at the Monastery of Seeon in Bavaria. While they report the critique about that visit, the paper also mentions that Orban did a housing project for Roma in Mohacs, a small town in the South of Hungary. That was a fig leaf project and let’s be clear, Orban policies are not pro-Roma.

– Orbán genießt auch in Mohács Rückhalt. In: Manheimer Morgen. 06.01.2018. https://www.morgenweb.de/bergstraesser-anzeiger_artikel,-bergstrasse-orbán-geniesst-auch-in-mohács-rueckhalt-_arid,1176837.html [link-preview url=”https://www.morgenweb.de/bergstraesser-anzeiger_artikel,-bergstrasse-orbán-geniesst-auch-in-mohács-rueckhalt-_arid,1176837.html”]

Czech Republic – A Solution?

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An initiative to lodge one (yes – one!) family in a small city in the Czech Republic. The initiator of the project aimed at breaking the vicious circle of poverty, was started by the mayor who is from a rightist populist party.
Good idea, excellent luck for the family, but this is a drop in an ocean.

– Sechs Zimmer, 140 Quadratmeter – und eine Zukunft. In: Der Spiegel. 05.01.2018. http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/wohnprojekt-fuer-roma-in-tschechien-den-teufelskreis-durchbrechen-a-1185996.html [link-preview url=”http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/wohnprojekt-fuer-roma-in-tschechien-den-teufelskreis-durchbrechen-a-1185996.html”]
