Daily Archives: janvier 15, 2018

Slovakia: Critique

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Yet another critique at the government measures on Roma in Slovakia. This time by Peter Pollak who was the previous Government Roma plenipotentiary in Slovakia. According to Pollak, the solution has to be based on education, starting in the nursery, and on crime prevention. It emphasizes the need to find solutions, but says the government does not do it. “In his statement, the Minister of the Interior, Robert Kaliňák, increases the tensions between the Roma and the majority, instead of striving to a rational resolution of conflicts, the elimination of crime and the support of decent people, he creates fear, tension and aggression,” Pollak said.

– P. Pollák: Kaliňákove opatrenia nevyriešia rómsku kriminalitu. In: Dobre Noviny. 12.01.2018. https://www.dobrenoviny.sk/c/121652/p-pollak-kalinakove-opatrenia-nevyriesia-romsku-kriminalitu [link-preview url=”https://www.dobrenoviny.sk/c/121652/p-pollak-kalinakove-opatrenia-nevyriesia-romsku-kriminalitu”]
