Daily Archives: janvier 16, 2018


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The German who was indicted for racial hatred following racist posts on Facebook against Roma and Sinti whose process was adjourned last week is fearing for his security …
Really – and what about the Roma?

– Angeklagter hat Angst um seine Sicherheit. In: Märkische Allgemeine. 10.01.2018. http://www.maz-online.de/Lokales/Potsdam/Angeklagter-hat-Angst-um-seine-Sicherheit [link-preview url=”http://www.maz-online.de/Lokales/Potsdam/Angeklagter-hat-Angst-um-seine-Sicherheit”]

Penalties for Parents

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Slovenia is trying to introduce measures including penalties for parents whose children do not attend school.
This is not a solution.

– Kazni za romske starše. In: Mladina. 12.01.2018. http://www.mladina.si/183647/kazni-za-romske-starse/ [link-preview url=”http://www.mladina.si/183647/kazni-za-romske-starse/”]

Slovakia: Police Intervention

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The story of the police intervention in a Roma settlement in Moldavia nad Bodvou which occurred in June 2013 has taken a new twist. Originally, several police officers were indicted based on testimonies from the residents. The policemen were recently cleared of all charges and now four Roma who testified against them are facing criminal charges.
The article tells the whole story – and it is bad.

– Razie v osadách: Najprv preverovali policajtov, teraz obvinili Moldavčanov. In: Korzar. 16.01.2018. https://kosice.korzar.sme.sk/c/20738397/razie-v-osadach-najprv-preverovali-policajtov-teraz-obvinili-moldavcanov.html [link-preview url=”https://kosice.korzar.sme.sk/c/20738397/razie-v-osadach-najprv-preverovali-policajtov-teraz-obvinili-moldavcanov.html”]
