Daily Archives: janvier 30, 2018

A Ciambra

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Another review of the movie “A Ciambra”

– Review: A Ciambra (2018) ‘the coming-of-age crime drama serves as a companion to 2015’s ‘Mediterranea'” In: Victoria Advocate. 28.01.2018. https://www.victoriaadvocate.com/blogs/staff/entries/2018/jan/28/review-a-ciambra-2018-the-coming-of-age-crime-drama-serves-as-a-companion-to-2015s-mediterranea/ [link-preview url=”https://www.victoriaadvocate.com/blogs/staff/entries/2018/jan/28/review-a-ciambra-2018-the-coming-of-age-crime-drama-serves-as-a-companion-to-2015s-mediterranea/”]

Czech Family Granted Asylum

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New Zealand just granted asylum to a Czech woman who has a son with a Rom. She said she was threatened by neo-Nazis in her home country.

– Family facing death threats granted asylum. In: RNZ. 29.01.2018. https://www.radionz.co.nz/news/national/349187/family-facing-death-threats-granted-asylum [link-preview url=”https://www.radionz.co.nz/news/national/349187/family-facing-death-threats-granted-asylum”]

Slovakia: Talk with the President

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During discussions about the Roma inclusion in society in Prešov, the Slovak President Andrej Kiska stated that the Roma inclusion is a shame for Slovakia and that this is one of the country greatest challenge and most pressing problem.
Let’s hope something is done.

– Kiska označil osud Rómov za jednu z kapitol hanby Slovenska. In: SME. 25.01.2018. https://domov.sme.sk/c/20746476/andrej-kiska-romovia-romska-problematika-hanba-slovenska.html
– Kiska má recept pre lepší život Rómov: Treba im dať vzdelanie, prácu a bývanie. In: Aktualne. 25.01.2018. https://aktualne.centrum.sk/slovensko/politika/kiska-ma-recept-lepsi-zivot-romov-treba-im-dat-vzdelanie-pracu-byvanie.html [link-preview url=”https://domov.sme.sk/c/20746476/andrej-kiska-romovia-romska-problematika-hanba-slovenska.html “]
