Monthly Archives: janvier 2018

Miloš Zeman

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The current Czech President, Miloš Zeeman is facing a second round against his main opponent Jiří Drahoš on January 26-27. Let’s not forget that Zeman is the one who said that 90% of “inadaptable” citizen are Roma …

– Anti-Roma stigma of Czech president Miloš Zeman threatens progress over Romani rights. In: The Conversation. 24.01.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Children Taken Away

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The UK authorities are increasingly removing children from their Roma and travellers families according to a recent report.
It is effectively prejudice.

– ‘They took my life. I’m grieving for a child who is still alive’. In: The Guardian. 24.01.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Nasty Web Page

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Once again, an article from a rather biased webpage “EU Scoop”. It insists on “Gypsy Crime” and is effectively dangerous.
Seems to be a one man show, but nevertheless …

– The Parents of the 14-Year-Old Roma Kid Accused of Murder Give Their Side of the Story. In: EUScoop. [link-preview url=””]

EU and Roma Holocaust

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For the first time, the EU parliament remembers the Roma victims of the Holocaust.
Good, but why did it take Europe 73 years to do so?

– EU PARLIAMENT HOLOCAUST EVENT REMEMBERS ROMA VICTIMS FOR 1ST TIME. In: The Jerusalem Post. 24.01.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Switzerland: Reactions

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Some reactions against the new law of Canton Bern.

– Le canton de Berne durcit le ton face aux gens du voyages occupant des terrains illégalement. In: RTS. 24.01.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Switzerland: The Traveller’s Law

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The new law against “illegal” camps for travellers in the Canton Bern is a shame. It caters to racism and prejudices all the while depriving travelling Roma (for it is targeted against them) of their livelihood.

– Die “Lex Fahrende” treibt die Platzsuche an. In: Der Bund. 25.01.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Germany: NPD Poster

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More noise on the extreme rightist party (NPD) on their election poster “Geld für die Oma statt für Sinti and Roma” [Money for Grandma instead for Sinti and Roma]. The Prosecutor has stopped the enquiries into the posters, as they cannot determine who hung it … REALLY? They know who printed it without doubts.
The German Central Council of Sinti and Roma has vehemently protested.

– Ermittlungen zu umstrittenem NPD-Wahlplakat eingestellt: In: Die Welt. 24.01.2018.
– Sinti und Roma kritisieren Einstellung von NPD-Strafverfahren. Fehlende Anhaltspunkte? In: Domradio. 23.01.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Switzerland: Harder

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The Canton of Bern has decided to harden its policies towards “foreign” Travellers. They are not allowed to camp in sites reserved for the Swiss Travellers and now, “unauthorised” camping on private grounds (even when the ground’s owner has agreed) is a cause for expulsion.

– Kantonsparlament beschliesst strengere Regeln für Fahrende. In: Der Bund. 23.01.2018. [link-preview url=”″]


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An interview of Anna Kwiatkowska, a Polish Romni Holocaust survivor.
From the World Jewish Congress page. Too bad they used the “P” word for the Roma Holocaust.

– [link-preview url=””]

Serbian Villas

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A series of picture of Roma homes in a small village in central Serbia.

– AP PHOTOS: Village of sprawling mansions empty most of year. In: WTOP. 22.01.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Romania: Theatre Against Prejudice

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“Gadjo Dildo” – a name chosen as a play on the title of Toni Gatlif’s movie “Gadjo Dilo” is a theatre performance based on stories of sexism and racism that Romnja encounter on a daily basis in Romania.
The play can be seen in Cluj and features Elena Duminica, a Romani actress.

– Romanian Roma use theater to address bigotry. In: The Christian Science Monitor. 22.01.2018.
– Romania’s Roma culture seeks stage to depict discrimination. In: Reuters. 22.01.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Poland: Legal Wrangle

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Last episode on a legal wrangle following the decree of the Limanova government who wanted to forbid Roma from applying for a flat in a new planned building in the centre of the town.
Having lost at the Vojevode level, the Limanova authorities appealed and have righlty lost again.

– Czchów przegrywa w NSA. In: Limanowa. 18.01.2018.;nsa-odrzucil-skargi-na-kontrowersyjne-zarzadzenie-ws-domu-dla-romow,39874.html [link-preview url=”;nsa-odrzucil-skargi-na-kontrowersyjne-zarzadzenie-ws-domu-dla-romow,39874.html”]

Litzmannstadt Ghetto

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An article about the tragic fate of the Roma in the Litzmannstadt Ghetto. The Roma part of the Ghetto was liquidated 76 years ago. Many of the Roma there came from the Austrian Burgenland.
May they rest in peace.

– Tragiczna historia Romów z Litzmannstadt Ghetto. In: Dzeinnik Łodzki. 18.01.2018.,12854450 [link-preview url=”,12854450″]

France: Kosovo Roma

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An article about Kosovo Roma who have recently arrived in Western France and who are de-facto stateless, as Kosovo refuses to register them.
Bad, and this since 18 years …

– Ces Kosovars qui errent toute la journée en ville. In: Ouest France. 19.01.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

UN: France Singled Out

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France has been pointed out by the UN Human Right Council for its treatment of Roma, migrants, and the state of its prisons. France will formally reply in June.

– Roms, migrants, prisons… La France montrée du doigt à l’ONU. In: France Info. 19.01.2018.
– Droits de l’homme : ce que l’ONU reproche à la France. In: Sud Ouest. 19.01.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

A Ciambra: A Review

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A movie review of “A Ciambra”, an Italian movie about Roma nominated by Italy for the Oscars of international movies.

– The Martin Scorsese-Produced A Ciambra Is a Rough-and-Tumble Coming-of-Age Tale. In: Vulture. 19.01.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Extreme Poverty

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An article about malnourished Roma children in Ireland. A shame that this happens in Western Europe.

– Roma children malnourished due to ‘extreme’ poverty, report says. In: The Irish Times. 18.01.2018.
– Roma children living in ‘overcrowded houses with rats, damp and sewage’. In: The Journal. 18.01.2018.
– Roma children in Ireland ‘starving’ due to ‘relentless’ poverty. In: The Irish Times. 18.01.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

French Chronicle …

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After a few quiet weeks, the usual pattern is re-surfacing in France: Expulsions, or threats thereof, and of course, the odd extremist article …
In Nice, Roma who are threatened with expulsion are appealing to Macron. Not that it helps, judging by Martine Aubry, a former minister (and socialist) who approves an expulsion in the North of France. In the South, another notice was served to Roma in Vallauris; in Western France, residents near Roma camps are complaining; near Paris, a vaccination campaign against measles was started in Ris Orangis following several cases’ and finally, the usual inflammatory article in Breizh Info, an extreme rightist info site in France.

– Des Roms menacés d’expulsion à Golfe-Juan en appellent à Emmanuel Macron. In: Nice Matin. 20.01.2018.
– Roms expulsés : Martine Aubry approuve la decision. In: La Voix du Nord. 18.01.2018.
– A Vallauris, des familles roms menacés d’expulsion. In: FR3 France Info. 21.01.2018.
– Camps illégaux de Roms : les riverains exceeds. In: Ouest France. 20.01.2018.
– Ris-Orangis : campagne de vaccination contre la rougeole dans un campement rom. In: Le Parisien. 15.01.2018.
– Les bidonvilles de l’Essonne face au risque de rougeole. In: Essone Info. 16.01.2018.
– Branchement sauvage des Roms : 40 véhicules détruits à Orvault. In: Breizh Info. 21.01.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Counting Travellers

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Roma who travel and Travellers in the UK capital are becoming a rarity. They are now being counted in an effort to force municipalities to actually set aside land for them to camp.

– ‘It’s like we don’t exist’: London’s Gypsies stand up to be counted. In: The Guardian. 18.01.2018. [link-preview url=””]