Monthly Archives: janvier 2018

Plauen: “Let them Burn!”

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The attack against the house where foreigners and Roma lived was clearly racially motivated.
IT was really bad.

– “Lasst die brennen” – Gaffer beschimpfen Retter vor brennendem Haus, in dem Roma leben. In: Vice. 10.01.2018. [link-preview url=””]

What if …

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What happens, when the states defines who is a “Gypsy” …

– Who is a gypsy? Britain’s new definition is causing problems. In: The Economist. 11.01.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Again !!!

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Unfortunately, yet another arrest on suspicion of slavery in a traveller camp in the UK. This is bad for all of us.

– Modern day slavery arrest in Brigg traveller site police raid. In: BBC. 09.01.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Damian Le Bas

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The Times commemorates Damian Le Bas who died last year December 9th.

– Damian Le Bas. In: The Times. 11.01.2018. [link-preview url=””]

German, Slovaks, and Roma: Background

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The incident with the German, Slovaks, and Roma actually occurred in a house that was partially burnt down on December 29th. There were 19 wounded in the attack that was pretty much directed against Roma.


SaS Reforms

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The Slovak liberal and libertarian Freedom and Solidarity party (known by its Slovak abbreviation as SaS), made new proposals regarding Roma policies. These were sharply criticised by Abel Ravasz, the Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Slovak Republic for Roma Communities as not reflecting the current reality and not taking into account that many of these proposals were already put in place.

– Rómska reforma SaS je neaktuálna, myslí si splnomocnenec Ravasz. In: SME Domov. 10.01.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Germans, Slovaks, and Roma

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Difficult to say what and who, but a fight between a German, some Slovaks and Roma about a flat screen TV – together with accusations of theft – required a police intervention.
Who did what is truly unclear, but in the mind of the readers, there will be little doubts …

– Brandhaus in Plauen. Slwaken rufen Polizei zur Hilfe. In: Vogtlang Anzeiger. 08.01.2018. [link-preview url=””]


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A new book was published recently in Mannheim, Germany, on the history of Roma and Sinti in that city and their constant discrimination and persecution.

– Stadt dokumentiert Geschichte der Sinti und Roma. In: Mannheimer Morgen. 10.01.2018.,-thema-des-tages-stadt-dokumentiert-geschichte-der-sinti-und-roma-_arid,1178750.html [link-preview url=”,-thema-des-tages-stadt-dokumentiert-geschichte-der-sinti-und-roma-_arid,1178750.html”]

Neo Nazis

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An analysis of the rise of the Neo Nazi movement in Slovakia. Long ignored, even when its propaganda led to murder of Roma as in Žilina in 2000, they now sit in the Slovak Parliament.

– Rok 2013: Ľudia dali prednosť fašizmu pred Smerom. In: SME. 08.01.2018. [link-preview url=””]


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A classical New Year Concert took place in Germany under the title “Spiel Zigeuner!” [Play, Gypsy]. Not the best choice to say the least.

– „Spiel, Zigeuner!“: Neujahrskonzert mit kontroversem Titel. In: Dewezet. 08.01.2018.,-spiel-zigeuner-neujahrskonzert-mit-kontroversem-titel-_arid,2430532.html [link-preview url=”,-spiel-zigeuner-neujahrskonzert-mit-kontroversem-titel-_arid,2430532.html”]

Special Schools …

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It seems that the situation in the Czech Republic hasn’t improved at all in the last three years. 12.7% of Roma children are relegated to schools for children with mental disorders.
Note that Rome translates this as “reduced standard” but the Prague Monitor calls it by it correct name.
This is a practice that has long been the norm in that country and is not acceptable.

– Czech EdMin says number of Romani children educated according to reduced standards has not changed in three years. In: Romea. 07.01.2018.
– Over tenth of Czech Roma at schools for kids with mental disorder. In: The Prague Monitor. 06.01.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Photos of a Ghetto

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Pictures from the Kaminskiego neighbourhood in Wrocław.

– Tak mieszkają Romowie z Kamieńskiego (ZDJĘCIA Z KOCZOWISKA). In: Gazetqa Wrocławska. 08.01.2018.,tak-mieszkaja-romowie-z-kamienskiego-zdjecia-z-koczowiska,id,t.html [link-preview url=”,tak-mieszkaja-romowie-z-kamienskiego-zdjecia-z-koczowiska,id,t.html”]

Litzmanstadt Ghetto

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Łódź remembers about the Roma from the Litzmannstadt ghetto commemorating the 76th anniversary of the liquidation of the Roma camp.
May they rest in peace.

– Łódź pamięta o Romach z Litzmannstadt getto. In: TuŁodz. 06.01.2018.,lodz-pamieta-o-romach-z-litzmannstadt-getto,wia5-3267-5958.html [link-preview url=”,lodz-pamieta-o-romach-z-litzmannstadt-getto,wia5-3267-5958.html”]

Germany: Trial

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The case made the headlines. A boy disappeared in Berlin, was abused and eventually killed. Horrible story.
The process here goes against a person who was a member of a facebook page “looking for Elias” and who took the opportunity to write (sic.) “Dirty Roma, these miscarriages of incest, also steal children”. He is in court for incitation to racial hatred.

– Prozess der Woche Der Hetzer, der im Fall Elias Sinti und Roma böswillig beschimpfte. In: Berliner Zeitung. 08.01.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Aussenlager …

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An article on the so-called “Aussenlager” – the small camps affiliated with a major Concentration Camp but who have been largely forgotten or kept under silence since the end of the War.
This is bad, as this is one of the common places where crimes were committed.

– Vom Erinnern und Vergessen: das KZ-Außenlager in Heppenheim. In: Echo. 06.01.2018. [link-preview url=””]


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The United Nation International Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia has closed. It did many things, but one thing it did not:
Not a single Albanian UCK representative has been judged for the forced expulsion of Roma from the Kosovo. This crime of ethnic cleansing has remained unpunished.

– Comment le TPIY a changé notre monde. In: Le Temps. 05.01.2018. [link-preview url=””]

French Chronicle …

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It seems that the Roma have vanished from the French news … At least almost entirely. Only very few articles this week on the subject.
In Macon, in Burgundy, expulsed Roma have been re-settled in a gymnastic hall, and in the North, two young Romnja arrested for Burglary.

– Mâcon : l’hébergement de migrants dans un gymnase, une solution proviso ire. In: FR3. 05.01.2018.
– Deux cambrioleuses prises en flagrant délit par la police municipal. In: La Voix du Nord. 06.01.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Orban in Germany

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Viktor Orban, the Hungarian Prime Minister, visited the German CSU at the Monastery of Seeon in Bavaria. While they report the critique about that visit, the paper also mentions that Orban did a housing project for Roma in Mohacs, a small town in the South of Hungary. That was a fig leaf project and let’s be clear, Orban policies are not pro-Roma.

– Orbán genießt auch in Mohács Rückhalt. In: Manheimer Morgen. 06.01.2018.,-bergstrasse-orbán-geniesst-auch-in-mohács-rueckhalt-_arid,1176837.html [link-preview url=”,-bergstrasse-orbán-geniesst-auch-in-mohács-rueckhalt-_arid,1176837.html”]

Czech Republic – A Solution?

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An initiative to lodge one (yes – one!) family in a small city in the Czech Republic. The initiator of the project aimed at breaking the vicious circle of poverty, was started by the mayor who is from a rightist populist party.
Good idea, excellent luck for the family, but this is a drop in an ocean.

– Sechs Zimmer, 140 Quadratmeter – und eine Zukunft. In: Der Spiegel. 05.01.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Eleven Thousand …

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Just a small fact and a summary: in 2014/2015 France expulsed 11’000 Roma without (as required by the law) providing an alternative housing.

– Sous le mandat de François Hollande, quel bilan pour les droits humains ? In: Blasting News. 04.01.2018. [link-preview url=””]