A Jubilee World Roma Congress will be taking place in London next summer [1-5 August]. For the first time it will be possible for all members of our communities (over 16) to vote electronically in the elections in connection with this Congress, and whosoever wishes to stand as Candidates. Democratic Transition will bring greater legitimacy and accountability and a democratic process allowing all to participate and work together for better recognition of the Roma Nation and the defeat of “anti-Gypsy” racism.
Now you may be enrolled as a Voter by email to Romvote@gmail.com) [Or leave email address in Comment] [link-preview url=””]
Monthly Archives: février 2018
More on the Slovak Campaign
Another article on the currently ongoing campaign in Slovakia to present positive Roma role models. There are many of them!
– Campaign for Roma sets out to make Nazis cry. In: The Slovak Spectator. 27.02.2018. https://spectator.sme.sk/c/20769300/campaign-for-roma-sets-out-to-make-nazis-cry.html [link-preview url=”https://spectator.sme.sk/c/20769300/campaign-for-roma-sets-out-to-make-nazis-cry.html”]
Westminster Mass
Last Saturday saw a special mass in London’s Westminster Cathedral for Travellers. It was attended by Travellers from all over the UK.
– Hundreds attend Mass for Traveller Community at Westminster Cathedral. In: ICN. 26.02.2018. https://www.indcatholicnews.com/news/34415 [link-preview url=”https://www.indcatholicnews.com/news/34415″]
Spain and Racism
The European Council Anti-Racism Commission (ECRI) has been asking Spain to tackle racism and discrimination against Roma and migrants. IT wants the country to further integration and education.
– Spain urged to create equality watchdog to tackle racism against Roma and refugees. In: The Local. 27.02.2018. https://www.thelocal.es/20180227/spain-urged-to-create-equality-watchdog-to-tackle-racism-against-roma-and-refugees [link-preview url=”https://www.thelocal.es/20180227/spain-urged-to-create-equality-watchdog-to-tackle-racism-against-roma-and-refugees”]
Roma have been in German lands since 1418. Apparently, this is not quite sufficient to be a “true” German or definitively not a “good” one…
– Roma and Sinti: Germans for centuries, but still considered outsiders. In: The Local. 26.02.2018. https://www.thelocal.de/20180226/germans-for-centuries-but-still-considered-outsiders [link-preview url=”https://www.thelocal.de/20180226/germans-for-centuries-but-still-considered-outsiders”]
The DART (Dublin Area Rapid Transit) now warns against Roma Gypsies who are allegedly targeting elderly people …
– Warning to the elderly: Roma gypsies said to be targeting the old and vulnerable at DART stations. In: The Liberal. 25.02.2018. http://theliberal.ie/warning-to-the-elderly-roma-gypsies-said-to-be-targeting-the-old-and-vulnerable-at-dart-stations/ [link-preview url=”http://theliberal.ie/warning-to-the-elderly-roma-gypsies-said-to-be-targeting-the-old-and-vulnerable-at-dart-stations/”]
SVP and Roma
The SVP, the Swiss rightist party distanced itself from its Bernese youth branch following their publication of a racist poster on the internet.
This poster was removed from Facebook in the meantime but led to an indictment of the Young SVP party for incitation to racist hatred.
– Mutterpartei rüffelt Berner Jung-SVP-Chefs. In: Blick. 25.02.2018. https://www.blick.ch/news/politik/svp-zoff-wegen-zigeuner-plakat-mutterpartei-rueffelt-berner-jung-svp-chefs-id8034423.html
– Dieses Bild wird eingeklagt. In: Tageswoche. 24.02.2018. https://tageswoche.ch/gesellschaft/dieses-bild-wird-eingeklagt/ [link-preview url=”https://www.blick.ch/news/politik/svp-zoff-wegen-zigeuner-plakat-mutterpartei-rueffelt-berner-jung-svp-chefs-id8034423.html “]
Zsolt Csalog
An interview of the head of the Romano Instituto Foundation, an ethnologist, writer and sociologist. HE has been engaged for decades for Roma.
– A romáktól emberi gazdagságot kaptam. In: Civil Tavasz. https://civiltavasz.hu/demokracia/a-romaktol-emberi-gazdagsagot-kaptam/ [link-preview url=”https://civiltavasz.hu/demokracia/a-romaktol-emberi-gazdagsagot-kaptam/”]
Budapest Meeting
The Council of Europe is organising a meeting with representatives of Roma youth organisations on February 27th and 28th to discuss Roma youth participation at all EU level.
– Roma Youth: Searching for sustainable and meaningful participation. In: Council of Europe. https://www.coe.int/en/web/youth-roma/-/roma-youth-searching-for-sustainable-and-meaningful-participation [link-preview url=”https://www.coe.int/en/web/youth-roma/-/roma-youth-searching-for-sustainable-and-meaningful-participation”]
A reminder of the very bad situation of Roma in Kosovo. One speaks of the Gurbeti of Mitrovica but one should not forget all the others who are discriminated against or who have fled their country.
– Kosovo’s Roma still endure prejudice and aftermath of toxic UN camps. In: The Irish Times. 24.02.2018. https://www.irishtimes.com/news/world/europe/kosovo-s-roma-still-endure-prejudice-and-aftermath-of-toxic-un-camps-1.3403333 [link-preview url=”https://www.irishtimes.com/news/world/europe/kosovo-s-roma-still-endure-prejudice-and-aftermath-of-toxic-un-camps-1.3403333″]
French Chronicle …
Not many news this week in France about Roma. First, an article that shows integration works. Roma who were part of a program around Paris found a job. The French defender of Human Rights, Jacque Toubon, lauded the successes of an insertion village near Paris. Other than that, in Triel sur Seine, residents are fighting for the closure of a Roma camp; a fire in a Roma camp is reported in the North of France; and Roma, while more likely to get measles are also more likely to vaccinate against it, given the opportunity.
Finally, two cases of criminality: Romanian thieves attacking women and card thefts in Western France.
– Des Roms quittent le bidonville pour se former. In: La Croix. 19.02.2018. https://www.la-croix.com/Economie/France/Roms-quittent-bidonville-former-2018-02-19-1200914823
– Toubon salue les résultats ” remarquables ” du village humanitaire d’Ivry. In: Le Parisien. 21.02.2018. http://www.leparisien.fr/val-de-marne-94/ivry-toubon-salue-les-resultats-remarquables-du-village-humanitaire-21-02-2018-7571622.php
– Camp de Roms à Triel-sur-Seine : des habitants expriment leur ras-le-bol au conseil. In 78 Actu. 23.02.2018. https://actu.fr/ile-de-france/triel-sur-seine_78624/camp-roms-triel-sur-seine-habitants-expriment-leur-ras-bol-conseil_15586775.html
– Camp de Roms : constat partagé, visions opposes. In: La Gazette. 21.02.2018. http://lagazette-yvelines.fr/2018/02/21/camp-de-roms-constat-partage-visions-opposees/
– Une caravane prend feu dans un camp de Roms, pas de victim. In: La Voix du Nord. 20.02.2018. http://www.lavoixdunord.fr/321051/article/2018-02-20/une-caravane-prend-feu-dans-un-camp-de-roms-pas-de-victime
– Rougeole : ce que la ministre ne dit pas. In: NPA. 20.02.2018. https://npa2009.org/actualite/sante/rougeole-ce-que-la-ministre-ne-dit-pas
– Maine-et-Loire. Les cambrioleurs roumains s’attaquaient aux fermes. In: Ouest France. 23.02.2018. https://www.ouest-france.fr/pays-de-la-loire/angers-49000/mauges-les-cambrioleurs-roumains-s-attaquaient-aux-fermes-5584470
– Rennes. Six ans de prison requis contre le chef des voleurs de cartes bancaires. In: Ouest France. 20.02.2018. https://www.ouest-france.fr/bretagne/rennes-35000/rennes-six-ans-de-prison-requis-contre-le-chef-des-voleurs-de-cartes-bancaires-5577768 [link-preview url=”https://www.la-croix.com/Economie/France/Roms-quittent-bidonville-former-2018-02-19-1200914823 “]
It is Better Not to Say It
Integrated Roma seldom say that they are from that minority. The better the integration, the less likely they will openly state their origins and culture, for fear of being confronted with stereotypes.
– “Alles ist besser, als ‘Zigeuner’ zu sein”. In: Der Spiegel. 24.02.2018. http://www.spiegel.de/karriere/sinti-und-roma-alles-ist-besser-als-ein-zigeuner-zu-sein-a-1193918.html [link-preview url=”http://www.spiegel.de/karriere/sinti-und-roma-alles-ist-besser-als-ein-zigeuner-zu-sein-a-1193918.html”]
Hungarian Statistics …
The Hungarians have caught up with their numbers … The latest statistics about the Roma minority in the country counts 9% of Roma or about 876’000 Roma in the country. This is the number that NGOs and activists have always advanced
This is a major increase to previous numbers which were systematically under-estimated.
– The growth of Hungary’s Roma minority – A fascinating new study. In: The Hungarian Free Press. 23.02.2018. http://hungarianfreepress.com/2018/02/23/the-growth-of-hungarys-roma-minority-a-fascinating-new-study/ [link-preview url=”http://hungarianfreepress.com/2018/02/23/the-growth-of-hungarys-roma-minority-a-fascinating-new-study/”]
More on the Swiss SVP
Another article, this time in French on the poster of the rightist SVP in Switzerland and the complaint against them from the Association of Sinti and Roma Switzerland.
– Des Roms choqués par une caricature des Jeunes UDC. In: 24 Heures. 23.02.2018. https://www.24heures.ch/suisse/roms-choques-caricature-jeunes-udc/story/17982232 [link-preview url=”https://www.24heures.ch/suisse/roms-choques-caricature-jeunes-udc/story/17982232″]
A Story
A new book about a Sintica, written by her son. She was deported from Hamburg to Poland and survived 6 years of camps.
– Wiesbadener Buchautor erzählt die Geschichte einer Sintifamilie. In: Merkurist. 20.02.2018. https://merkurist.de/wiesbaden/familiengeschichte-wiesbadener-buchautor-erzaehlt-die-geschichte-einer-sintifamilie_iIl [link-preview url=”https://merkurist.de/wiesbaden/familiengeschichte-wiesbadener-buchautor-erzaehlt-die-geschichte-einer-sintifamilie_iIl”]
Travellers Rights
A portrait of a young Scottish traveller activist. We need more of this.
– “We are finally finding our voice to speak up and stand up for ourselves and our rights!” In: Youth Traveller Times. 19.02.2018. https://www.travellerstimes.org.uk/ytt/news/2018/02/we-are-finally-finding-our-voice-speak-and-stand-ourselves-and-our-rights [link-preview url=”https://www.travellerstimes.org.uk/ytt/news/2018/02/we-are-finally-finding-our-voice-speak-and-stand-ourselves-and-our-rights”]
Swiss Extreme Right
The Association of Sinti and Roma Switzerland, together with the Association for the protection of threatened people lodged a legal complaint for racism against the youth wing of the Bern SVP following their publication of a poster which is essentially racist.
Even some of the SVP members seem to agree. Let’s see what the justice will do, as in Switzerland, it is not certain that this will be condemned.
– Junge SVP Bern wegen Plakat angezeigt. In: Der Bund. 23.02.2018. https://www.derbund.ch/schweiz/standard/junge-svp-bern-wird-wegen-plakat-angezeigt/story/22360279
– Die Junge SVP wird wegen Plakat angezeigt. In: 20 Minuten (CH). 23.02.2018. http://www.20min.ch/schweiz/news/story/Junge-SVP-wird-wegen-Plakat-angezeigt-21196778
– Sinti und Roma zeigen Junge SVP an. In: SRF. 23.02.2018. https://www.srf.ch/news/regional/bern-freiburg-wallis/wahlkampf-im-kanton-bern-sinti-und-roma-zeigen-junge-svp-an [link-preview url=”https://www.derbund.ch/schweiz/standard/junge-svp-bern-wird-wegen-plakat-angezeigt/story/22360279 “]
Swiss Extreme Right Switzerland
The Bern youth wing of the Swiss rightist party SVP went overboard in the canton Bern. They published a cartoon on the Internet against “Zigeuner” which states:
“Millions for building and maintenance, dirt, faeces, theft, etc. against the will of the population.”
We say NO to the camping sites for foreign Gypsies”
REALLY? This is racist. [link-preview url=””]
Roma Slavery
An article on the Roma slavery in Romania on the anniversary of its abolition.
– Roma Slavery is Historical Trauma. In: Harvard Center for Health and Human Rights. https://fxb.harvard.edu/roma-slavery-is-historical-trauma/ [link-preview url=”https://fxb.harvard.edu/roma-slavery-is-historical-trauma/”]
Movies and Roma …
A conference on the theme of Antitziganism and Movies started in Berlin on Wednesday, February 21st. The conference was convened on the back of the controversy of the German television movie “Nelly’s Adventures” which depicted Roma in a negative and stereotypical way. These stereotypes are all too often present in movies as soon as Roma are present. This needs to stop.
– ANTIZIGANISMUS IM FILM: DIE PRODUKTION VON RASSISTISCHEN STEREOTYPE. In: Belltower News. 22.02.2018. http://www.belltower.news/artikel/antiziganismus-im-film-die-produktion-von-rassistischen-stereotype-13363 [link-preview url=”http://www.belltower.news/artikel/antiziganismus-im-film-die-produktion-von-rassistischen-stereotype-13363″]