Daily Archives: février 6, 2018

Paris: Exhibition

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A new exhibition in Paris, entitled “Mondes Tsiganes” purportedly tells the story of the “Nomads”, be they Sinti, Manouches, or Roma (Sic.).
Well, it pushes a view full of stereotypes which is historically totally inaccurate.

– MONDES TSIGANES, L’EXPOSITION AU MUSÉE NATIONAL DE L’HISTOIRE DE L’IMMIGRATION. In: Sortir à Paris. https://www.sortiraparis.com/arts-culture/exposition/articles/160879-mondes-tsiganes-l-exposition-au-musee-national-de-l-histoire-de-l-immigration [link-preview url=”https://www.sortiraparis.com/arts-culture/exposition/articles/160879-mondes-tsiganes-l-exposition-au-musee-national-de-l-histoire-de-l-immigration”]


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The State of Schleswig Holstein Sinti and Roma Association is being pilloried for mismanagement: bills for more than 60’000 EUR are missing, the member of the association used cars for private purposes, etc.
This is better than expected as in the beginning, the organisation was de-facto accused to have used money for private purposes. This no longer seems to be the case.

– Sinti und Roma: Für 60.000 Euro fehlen Belege. In: NDR. 05.02.2018. https://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/schleswig-holstein/Sinti-und-Roma-Fuer-60000-Euro-fehlen-Belege,sintiroma110.html [link-preview url=”https://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/schleswig-holstein/Sinti-und-Roma-Fuer-60000-Euro-fehlen-Belege,sintiroma110.html”]

Plauen: Fire …

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Again the city of Plauen, which made it to the headlines in December after the firebombing of a house that lodged Roma. This time, a fire in a house that housed Roma on the ground floor and other people in the upper floors killed two residents. Several of the people in that building had already escaped the previous fire.

– FEUERDRAMA IM DACHGESCHOSS: HIER STARBEN ZWEI MENSCHEN UND SECHS HUNDE. In: Tag 24. 06.02.2018. https://www.tag24.de/nachrichten/plauen-vogtland-sachsen-brand-wohnungsbrand-feuer-zwei-tote-verletzte-hunde-flammen-inferno-440938 [link-preview url=”https://www.tag24.de/nachrichten/plauen-vogtland-sachsen-brand-wohnungsbrand-feuer-zwei-tote-verletzte-hunde-flammen-inferno-440938″]

Slovakia: Dire Situation

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There are roughly 5’500 who live in the Roma settlement of Trebišov, in Eastern Slovakia. The settlement is seeing an epidemic of syphilis, fuelled by the rampant prostitution that is one of the few means of existence for the people there.
Prostitution starts as young as 14 or 15. Police is not doing much.
This is bad.

– Trebišov skryl prostitútky, deti vraj medzi nimi nie sú a syfilis sa týka iba Rómov. In: SME. 02.02.2018. https://domov.sme.sk/c/20750735/trebisov-skryl-prostitutky-deti-vraj-medzi-nimi-nie-su-a-syfilis-sa-tyka-iba-romov.html [link-preview url=”https://domov.sme.sk/c/20750735/trebisov-skryl-prostitutky-deti-vraj-medzi-nimi-nie-su-a-syfilis-sa-tyka-iba-romov.html”]
