Daily Archives: février 11, 2018

Slovakia: Opinion

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Vladimír Ledecký the independent mayor of Spišský Hrhov writes about how Roma issues can be solved. He says that the current “schizophrenia” does not help, and that “convincing all people to pull the car in the same direction” is the way to go. He advocates work, education, and measures to help with accumulated debts. His village is actually one the of the model of integration in the country.

– Ako riešiť problémy Rómov a rodín v núdzi (názor). In: Aktuality. 05.02.2018. https://www.aktuality.sk/clanok/561439/ako-riesit-problemy-romov-a-rodin-v-nudzi-nazor/ [link-preview url=”https://www.aktuality.sk/clanok/561439/ako-riesit-problemy-romov-a-rodin-v-nudzi-nazor/”]

Kiev – Again

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Another article in the Press on Roma criminality. According to the article, residents of Kiev complain massively about Roma who “steal everything they see” …
How about complaining about some of the politicians and oligarchs who effectively already stole everything there was to steal?

– Киевляне массово жалуются на ромов: воруют все, что видят. In: Narodna Pravda. 10.02.2018. https://ru.narodna-pravda.ua/2018/02/10/kyevlyane-massovo-zhaluyutsya-na-romov-voruyut-vse-chto-vydyat/ [link-preview url=”https://ru.narodna-pravda.ua/2018/02/10/kyevlyane-massovo-zhaluyutsya-na-romov-voruyut-vse-chto-vydyat/”]

Eleven Thousand

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The French expulsed more than 11’000 people last year. This number is rising. And, what is more and not said here, these are always the same people, year on year.
How about finding a solution for the roughly 20’000 Roma who live in those camps?

– Roms : les expulsions ont augmenté l’an dernier avec plus de 11.000 personnes évacuées. In: Europe 1. 06.02.2018. http://www.europe1.fr/societe/roms-les-expulsions-ont-augmente-lan-dernier-avec-plus-de-11000-personnes-evacuees-3567284 [link-preview url=”http://www.europe1.fr/societe/roms-les-expulsions-ont-augmente-lan-dernier-avec-plus-de-11000-personnes-evacuees-3567284″]

French Chronicle …

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The biggest news this week was that the expulsion of a Roma camp in Lille, in the North of France in November 2017 was illegal… The town and the State were condemned for having proceeded with the expulsion without a court order during the winter moratorium. Nevertheless, the people who were expulsed are still not lodged properly.
Near Paris, the snow in the capital renders life miserable in some of the camps. In Triel, near Paris, more than 700 people signed a petition to ask for the closure of a camp. In Western France, near Angers, people who were expulsed are suffering from the cold. In another town, residents are petitioning the mayor for the closure of a camp. In Perpignan, an association is trying to help the Roma whose camp was recently destroyed by a fire. In Montpellier, the local Gitans are opposed to the creation of a Roma insertion camp near their homes. In Nice, 36 people were expulsed. And finally, in the Grenoble region, in Fontaine, a call of an action plan rather than the usual policy of expulsions.

– Trêve hivernale : la ville de Lille condamnée pour l’expulsion du camp de Roms de l’Esplanade. In: FR3 Hauts de France. 07.02.2018. https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/hauts-de-france/nord-0/lille/treve-hivernale-ville-lille-condamnee-expulsion-du-camp-roms-esplanade-1417765.html
– Lille: L’expulsion du camp de Roms était illégale. In: 20 Minutes (FR). )7.02.2018. https://www.20minutes.fr/lille/2216795-20180207-lille-expulsion-camp-roms-illegale
– La ville de Lille et l’Etat condamnés après l’expulsion d’un campement de Roms en pleine trêve hivernale. In: France Bleu. 06.02.2018. https://www.francebleu.fr/infos/faits-divers-justice/la-ville-de-lille-et-l-etat-condamnes-apres-l-expulsion-d-un-campement-de-roms-1517916924
– La ville de Lille et la préfecture condamnées pour l’expulsion des Roms de l’Esplanade. In: La Voix du Nord. 06.02.2018. http://www.lavoixdunord.fr/312109/article/2018-02-06/la-ville-de-lille-et-la-prefecture-condamnees-pour-l-expulsion-des-roms-de-l
– De la neige et des Roms. In: Mediapart. 10.02.2018. https://blogs.mediapart.fr/juliette-keating/blog/100218/de-la-neige-et-des-roms
– Triel-sur-Seine : plus de 700 signatures pour demander la fermeture du campement rom. In: Temps Réel 78. 08.02.2018. http://tr78.fr/triel-seine-plus-de-700-signatures-demander-fermeture-campement-rom
– Les expulsés des squats font face au froid. In: Ouest France. 09.02.2018. https://www.ouest-france.fr/pays-de-la-loire/angers-49000/les-expulses-des-squats-font-face-au-froid-5557811
– Camps Roms: les riverains à la rencontre du maire. In: Ouest France. 05.02.2018. https://www.ouest-france.fr/pays-de-la-loire/sainte-luce-sur-loire-44980/camps-roms-les-riverains-la-rencontre-du-maire-5546630
– Situation des Roms dans le département : un collectif de soutien relancé. In: La Semaine. 09.02.2018. https://www.lasemaineduroussillon.com/2018/02/09/roms-collectif-soutien/
– Montpellier. Village d’insertion pour les Roms à Celleneuve, la communauté gitane s’y oppose. In: Lengadoc. 07.02.2018. https://www.lengadoc-info.com/6369/societe/montpellier-village-dinsertion-roms-a-celleneuve-communaute-gitane-sy-oppose/
– 36 personnes expulsées d’un camp de Roms ce mercredi matin. In: Nice Matin. 07.02.2018. http://www.nicematin.com/faits-divers/36-personnes-expulsees-dun-camp-de-roms-ce-mercredi-matin-206310
– Un plan d’action ” plutôt que l’expulsion des Roms ” In: Le Dauphiné. 06.02.2018. http://www.ledauphine.com/isere-sud/2018/02/06/un-plan-d-action-plutot-que-l-expulsion-des-roms
French Chronicle …

The biggest news this week was that the expulsion of a Roma camp in Lille, in the North of France in November 2017 was illegal… The town and the State were condemned for having proceeded with the expulsion without a court order during the winter moratorium. Nevertheless, the people who were expulsed are still not lodged properly.
Near Paris, the snow in the capital renders life miserable in some of the camps. In Triel, near Paris, more than 700 people signed a petition to ask for the closure of a camp. In Western France, near Angers, people who were expulsed are suffering from the cold. In another town, residents are petitioning the mayor for the closure of a camp. In Perpignan, an association is trying to help the Roma whose camp was recently destroyed by a fire. In Montpellier, the local Gitans are opposed to the creation of a Roma insertion camp near their homes. In Nice, 36 people were expulsed. And finally, in the Grenoble region, in Fontaine, a call of an action plan rather than the usual policy of expulsions.

– Trêve hivernale : la ville de Lille condamnée pour l’expulsion du camp de Roms de l’Esplanade. In: FR3 Hauts de France. 07.02.2018. https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/hauts-de-france/nord-0/lille/treve-hivernale-ville-lille-condamnee-expulsion-du-camp-roms-esplanade-1417765.html
– Lille: L’expulsion du camp de Roms était illégale. In: 20 Minutes (FR). )7.02.2018. https://www.20minutes.fr/lille/2216795-20180207-lille-expulsion-camp-roms-illegale
– La ville de Lille et l’Etat condamnés après l’expulsion d’un campement de Roms en pleine trêve hivernale. In: France Bleu. 06.02.2018. https://www.francebleu.fr/infos/faits-divers-justice/la-ville-de-lille-et-l-etat-condamnes-apres-l-expulsion-d-un-campement-de-roms-1517916924
– La ville de Lille et la préfecture condamnées pour l’expulsion des Roms de l’Esplanade. In: La Voix du Nord. 06.02.2018. http://www.lavoixdunord.fr/312109/article/2018-02-06/la-ville-de-lille-et-la-prefecture-condamnees-pour-l-expulsion-des-roms-de-l
– De la neige et des Roms. In: Mediapart. 10.02.2018. https://blogs.mediapart.fr/juliette-keating/blog/100218/de-la-neige-et-des-roms
– Triel-sur-Seine : plus de 700 signatures pour demander la fermeture du campement rom. In: Temps Réel 78. 08.02.2018. http://tr78.fr/triel-seine-plus-de-700-signatures-demander-fermeture-campement-rom
– Les expulsés des squats font face au froid. In: Ouest France. 09.02.2018. https://www.ouest-france.fr/pays-de-la-loire/angers-49000/les-expulses-des-squats-font-face-au-froid-5557811
– Camps Roms: les riverains à la rencontre du maire. In: Ouest France. 05.02.2018. https://www.ouest-france.fr/pays-de-la-loire/sainte-luce-sur-loire-44980/camps-roms-les-riverains-la-rencontre-du-maire-5546630
– Situation des Roms dans le département : un collectif de soutien relancé. In: La Semaine. 09.02.2018. https://www.lasemaineduroussillon.com/2018/02/09/roms-collectif-soutien/
– Montpellier. Village d’insertion pour les Roms à Celleneuve, la communauté gitane s’y oppose. In: Lengadoc. 07.02.2018. https://www.lengadoc-info.com/6369/societe/montpellier-village-dinsertion-roms-a-celleneuve-communaute-gitane-sy-oppose/
– 36 personnes expulsées d’un camp de Roms ce mercredi matin. In: Nice Matin. 07.02.2018. http://www.nicematin.com/faits-divers/36-personnes-expulsees-dun-camp-de-roms-ce-mercredi-matin-206310
– Un plan d’action ” plutôt que l’expulsion des Roms ” In: Le Dauphiné. 06.02.2018. http://www.ledauphine.com/isere-sud/2018/02/06/un-plan-d-action-plutot-que-l-expulsion-des-roms [link-preview url=”https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/hauts-de-france/nord-0/lille/treve-hivernale-ville-lille-condamnee-expulsion-du-camp-roms-esplanade-1417765.html “]
