Daily Archives: février 14, 2018

Slovakia: New Campaign

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A Slovak NGO is launching a campaign to fight against discrimination and for integration. They are trying to point at positive examples of young Roma who, with the help of the NGO’s donors will develop their talents and become positive examples.

– Divé maky bojujú proti extrémizmu vzdelávaním Rómov. In: SME. 14.02.2018. https://romovia.sme.sk/c/20759189/dive-maky-bojuju-proti-extremizmu-vzdelavanim-romov.html
– Nič nerozplače nácka tak, ako úspešný Róm. In: Strategie. 12.02.2018. https://strategie.hnonline.sk/marketing/1692290-nic-nerozplace-nacka-tak-ako-uspesny-rom

Germany and Roma

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Romani Rose, the President of the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma considers anti-Gypsism as a widespread social problem. According to him, Sinti and Roma still have to fight against exclusion. He also opposed the recognition of several Balkan countries as “safe” for Roma.

– Rada Sinti i Romów: jesteśmy nadal dyskryminowani. In: Deutsche Welle. 13.02.2018. http://www.dw.com/pl/rada-sinti-i-romów-jesteśmy-nadal-dyskryminowani/a-42574465
