Daily Archives: février 20, 2018

Holocaust Memorial Day

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The Czech Government Council is proposing to formally recognise the Roma Holocaust Memorial Day (August 2nd), the day commemorating the liquidation of the Roma camp in Auschwitz.

– Gov’t council for declaring Roma Holocaust memorial day. In: The Prague Monitor. 19.02.2018. http://praguemonitor.com/2018/02/19/govt-council-declaring-roma-holocaust-memorial-day [link-preview url=”http://praguemonitor.com/2018/02/19/govt-council-declaring-roma-holocaust-memorial-day”]

Germany: Treaty

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The German State of Bavaria signed a treaty with the State Association of the Sinti and Roma aimed at achieving a better integration and a reduction of the discrimination they face in that state.

– Staatsregierung unterzeichnet Vertrag mit Sinti und Roma. In: Die Welt. 20.02.2018. https://www.welt.de/regionales/bayern/article173758265/Staatsregierung-unterzeichnet-Vertrag-mit-Sinti-und-Roma.html [link-preview url=”https://www.welt.de/regionales/bayern/article173758265/Staatsregierung-unterzeichnet-Vertrag-mit-Sinti-und-Roma.html”]

Slovakia: Stories

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Stories in Slovakia of Roma who managed to overcome the barriers that often prevents them from succeeding. One is the story of Daniel, 16 years old, speaking 5 language and who now has a scholarship. There are others.

– Toto sú príbehy Rómov, ktorí prekonali prekážky a sú vzorom pre všetkých. In: TV Noviny. 18.02.2018. http://www.tvnoviny.sk/domace/1907322_toto-su-pribehy-romov-ktori-prekonali-prekazky-a-su-vzorom-pre-vsetkych [link-preview url=”http://www.tvnoviny.sk/domace/1907322_toto-su-pribehy-romov-ktori-prekonali-prekazky-a-su-vzorom-pre-vsetkych”]
