Daily Archives: février 22, 2018

Slovenia, Refugees, and Roma

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Slovenia has been slammed by Amnesty International for undermining the rights of refugees and for the continuing discrimination and seggergation of Roma.

– AI v letnem poročilu opozarja na slab položaj beguncev, Romov in izbrisanih v Sloveniji. In: STA. 22.02.2018. https://www.sta.si/2485287/ai-v-letnem-porocilu-opozarja-na-slab-polozaj-beguncev-romov-in-izbrisanih-v-sloveniji [link-preview url=”https://www.sta.si/2485287/ai-v-letnem-porocilu-opozarja-na-slab-polozaj-beguncev-romov-in-izbrisanih-v-sloveniji”]

Begging and Frankfort

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Seems that the Frankfort authorities are trying to get rid of homeless Roma beggars. The story recently with a stamp in the passport and the comments “aggressive begging” written in the passport are apparently the tip of the iceberg.

– Frankfurt authorities are ‘trying to drive homeless Roma out of town’, says rights group. In: The Local. 21.02.2018. https://www.thelocal.de/20180221/frankfurt-authorities-are-trying-to-drive-homeless-roma-out-of-town-says-rights-group [link-preview url=”https://www.thelocal.de/20180221/frankfurt-authorities-are-trying-to-drive-homeless-roma-out-of-town-says-rights-group”]

Inspirational Stories

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A series of portraits of Roma role models in Slovakia. These are part of the new initiative launched a while back by the Dive association to reduce stereotypes and promote integration.

– Inšpiratívne príbehy najúspešnejších slovenských Rómov: Úprimne, dokázali by ste toto? In: Topky. 22.02.2018. http://www.topky.sk/cl/10/1690529/Inspirativne-pribehy-najuspesnych-slovenskych-Romov–Uprimne–dokazali-by-ste-toto- [link-preview url=”http://www.topky.sk/cl/10/1690529/Inspirativne-pribehy-najuspesnych-slovenskych-Romov–Uprimne–dokazali-by-ste-toto-“]
