Daily Archives: février 26, 2018

Zsolt Csalog

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An interview of the head of the Romano Instituto Foundation, an ethnologist, writer and sociologist. HE has been engaged for decades for Roma.

– A romáktól emberi gazdagságot kaptam. In: Civil Tavasz. https://civiltavasz.hu/demokracia/a-romaktol-emberi-gazdagsagot-kaptam/ [link-preview url=”https://civiltavasz.hu/demokracia/a-romaktol-emberi-gazdagsagot-kaptam/”]

Budapest Meeting

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The Council of Europe is organising a meeting with representatives of Roma youth organisations on February 27th and 28th to discuss Roma youth participation at all EU level.

– Roma Youth: Searching for sustainable and meaningful participation. In: Council of Europe. https://www.coe.int/en/web/youth-roma/-/roma-youth-searching-for-sustainable-and-meaningful-participation [link-preview url=”https://www.coe.int/en/web/youth-roma/-/roma-youth-searching-for-sustainable-and-meaningful-participation”]


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A reminder of the very bad situation of Roma in Kosovo. One speaks of the Gurbeti of Mitrovica but one should not forget all the others who are discriminated against or who have fled their country.

– Kosovo’s Roma still endure prejudice and aftermath of toxic UN camps. In: The Irish Times. 24.02.2018. https://www.irishtimes.com/news/world/europe/kosovo-s-roma-still-endure-prejudice-and-aftermath-of-toxic-un-camps-1.3403333 [link-preview url=”https://www.irishtimes.com/news/world/europe/kosovo-s-roma-still-endure-prejudice-and-aftermath-of-toxic-un-camps-1.3403333″]
