Monthly Archives: février 2018

More on Frankfurt

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The story of the stamp and the note on the passport of a Romni from Romania continues to feed the news. It made it to the Romanian news, where they noted that the German administration effectively defaced property of the Romanian State (yes, the passport). It continues to get coverage in Germany, as it is all too reminiscent of practices of the Nazis.

– Bedenkliche Vermerke in Pässen: Will Frankfurt obdachlose Roma-Migranten vertreiben? In: Sputnik. 21.02.2018.
– Ţigani români, în centrul unui nou SCANDAL: Riscă expulzarea din Germania – ‘Comportament scandalos’. In: Stiripesurse. 22.02.2018.–in-centrul-unui-nou-scandal–risca-expulzarea-din-germania—-comportament-scandalos-_1250381.html [link-preview url=” “]

Slovenia and Roma

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More reactions in Slovenia following the publications of an Amnesty International report on the situation of refugees and Roma in Slovenia. The report says that the country does too little to stop discrimination and segregation against Roma.

– AI: Slovenija se nikakor ne more pohvaliti glede sprejemanja beguncev. In: RTV SLO. 22.02.2018.
– Odnos do Romov in beguncev pod drobnogledom. In: Delo. 22.02.2018.
– Amnesty International Notes Plight of Refugees and Roma in Slovenia. In: STA. 22.02.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Slovenia, Refugees, and Roma

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Slovenia has been slammed by Amnesty International for undermining the rights of refugees and for the continuing discrimination and seggergation of Roma.

– AI v letnem poročilu opozarja na slab položaj beguncev, Romov in izbrisanih v Sloveniji. In: STA. 22.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Begging and Frankfort

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Seems that the Frankfort authorities are trying to get rid of homeless Roma beggars. The story recently with a stamp in the passport and the comments “aggressive begging” written in the passport are apparently the tip of the iceberg.

– Frankfurt authorities are ‘trying to drive homeless Roma out of town’, says rights group. In: The Local. 21.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Inspirational Stories

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A series of portraits of Roma role models in Slovakia. These are part of the new initiative launched a while back by the Dive association to reduce stereotypes and promote integration.

– Inšpiratívne príbehy najúspešnejších slovenských Rómov: Úprimne, dokázali by ste toto? In: Topky. 22.02.2018.–Uprimne–dokazali-by-ste-toto- [link-preview url=”–Uprimne–dokazali-by-ste-toto-“]

A Parallel

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An article making a parallel between Roma and African Americans due to slavery. Historically, one has to be careful because Roma slavery existed only in Wallachia and Moldova (which later became part of Romania) and to a lesser extent in other regions of Transylvania. Nowhere else. So the parallel is very valid in Romania itself, but cannot be generalised.

– Roma and African Americans share a common struggle. In: The Guardian. 20.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Czech Republic and Holocaust

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Following the statements by Tomio Okamura and consorts regarding the Roma Holocaust in the Czech Republic (almost all Roma were killed), a Czech historian reminds his fellow citizen of what really happened.

– Czech historian reminds public that cruel abuse was perpetrated at concentration camp for Roma in Moravia. In: 20.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]


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The so-called “Ordnungsamt” – Office of Order – of the city of Frankfurt is in the middle of a controversy. One of their employees stamped the passport of a Romanian Romni with the official office’s stamp and wrote on the passport “Was met while aggressively begging”.
Not only is this illegal but it also reminds one of the past. Let’s hope the person who did this gets booted out.

– Ordnungsamt-Stempel im Pass einer Romni sorgt für Aufsehen. In: Merkurist. 16.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Holocaust Memorial Day

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The Czech Government Council is proposing to formally recognise the Roma Holocaust Memorial Day (August 2nd), the day commemorating the liquidation of the Roma camp in Auschwitz.

– Gov’t council for declaring Roma Holocaust memorial day. In: The Prague Monitor. 19.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Germany: Treaty

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The German State of Bavaria signed a treaty with the State Association of the Sinti and Roma aimed at achieving a better integration and a reduction of the discrimination they face in that state.

– Staatsregierung unterzeichnet Vertrag mit Sinti und Roma. In: Die Welt. 20.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: Stories

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Stories in Slovakia of Roma who managed to overcome the barriers that often prevents them from succeeding. One is the story of Daniel, 16 years old, speaking 5 language and who now has a scholarship. There are others.

– Toto sú príbehy Rómov, ktorí prekonali prekážky a sú vzorom pre všetkých. In: TV Noviny. 18.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Poland & Slovakia

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The appeal trial of three Slovakian Roma, accused of a series of frauds in Poland against older people, has now come to an end. The accused were defrauding elderly people on claims of urgent need of money for health reasons.
They risk several years behind bars.

– Białystok: koniec procesu Romów ze Słowacji oskarżonych o oszustwa. In: ONet. 16.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]

A Book

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The critique of a book inspired by the history of the Roma in former Czechoslovakia. It is easy for such books to bring out many of the stereotypes. So to be looked at carefully!

– Theresa Kishkan sur la route des Roms. In: Le Devoir. 17.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Nazif Mujić Died

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The award winning Bosnian Roma actor Nazif Mujić died last Sundy in utter poverty in Bosnia, five years after having won the silver bear at the Berlin festival.
May he rest in peace.

– Bären-Gewinner Nazif Mujić stirbt mittellos in Bosnien. In: Der Tagesspiegel. 18.02.2018.
– Award-winning Bosnian Roma actor dies penniless. In: The Malay Online. 18.02.2018.
– Nazif Mujić Dies: Bosnian Actor & Berlin Award Winner. In: Deadline. 18.02.2018.
– Berlin: Bosnian Actor and Silver Bear Winner Nazif Mujic Dies at 48. In: The Hollywood Reporter. 18.02.2018.
– La Berlinale pleure l’acteur Nazif Mujic récompensé en 2013. In: Paris Match. 18.02.2018.
– Preminuo Nazif Mujić, dobitnik Srebrenog medvjeda. In: N1. 18.02.2018.
– Preminuo dobitnik “Srebrnog medveda” Nazif Mujić. In: Blic. 18.02.2018.
– Nazif Mujic (1970-2018). In: CM. 19.02.2018.
– Winnaar van Zilveren Beer voor Beste Acteur sterft in armoe. In: GVA. 18.02.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Hungary: Increased Police Controls

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The Hungarian police has been given extended rights to conduct identity and physical checks based on a “heightened state of alert” … Note that the police conducts many checks, more than a million a year for a population of less than ten million.
There is a real fear that these extra powers will be negatively felt by the Roma minority.

– National Commissioner of Police ordains increased police control, again. In: Budapest Beacon. 17.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia and Affirmative Action

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Martin Kotleba, the extreme rightist party leader in Slovakia is trying to stop the affirmative action program for Roma by proposing an amendment to the anti-discrimination law.
Let’s hope he fails.

– Kotleba proti pozitívnej diskriminácii: Ak je splnomocnenec pre Rómov, musí mať svojho aj majorita. In: Aktualne. 16.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Kosovo: The Forgotten Victims

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On the tenth anniversary of the Kosovo, Roma are often forgotten. This is bad, as the UCK actually ethnically cleansed the land of its Roma and there is little space for any minority.

– Les Roms du Kosovo, victimes oubliées de la guerre. In: TV5. 16.02.2018.
– Ashkali, Gorani, Croates: le crépuscule des plus petites minorités du Kosovo. In: Le Temps. [link-preview url=””]

French Chronicle …

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Very little news this week in France. In the South, neighbours of a future “insertion village” for Roma in Montpellier are protesting; in the North, in Hautbourdin, a camp burnt down, and someone took the opportunity to steal the belongings of the Roma; and near Paris, in Triel sur Seine, residents are asking for a camp to be closed.
Finally, news on criminality with the trial of the young Roma pickpockets from Paris’ Disneyland and with the arrest in Perpignan of 17 Roma accused of having organised dozens of pickpockets in Montpellier.

– Montpellier : colères autour du futur village rom. In: Midi Libre. 17.02.2018.,1628940.php
– Montpellier : un terrain d’entente à trouver pour le futur village d’insertion des Roms. In: Metropolitain. 12.02.2018.
– Le camp des Roms brûle, des voleurs en profitent pour se server. In: La Voix du Nord. 16.02.2018.
– RD1 à Triel-sur-Seine : une pétition réclame la fermeture du camp de Roms. In: 16.02.2018.
– Chessy : devant Disneyland Paris, neuf pickpockets volaient jusqu’à 180 000 euros par mois. In: Le Parisien. 13.02.2018.
– Elles détroussaient les voyageurs, ils roulaient en Porsche : 12 hommes mis en examen. In: France 3. 17.02.2018.
– Gang du tramway de Montpellier : les détails de l’opération de police à Perpignan. In: Midi Libre. 14.02.2018.,1627544.php [link-preview url=” “]