Daily Archives: mars 7, 2018

Canada, Czech Roma, and Theft

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Police in Toronto has arrested a Czech refugee – possibly a Romni – who, according to the report may be a member of a ring of Roma purse snatchers.
Well, why is ethnicity an important factor in information about crime? Is there a difference between a Gadžo and a Rom purse snatcher? Not really – then why write it?

– WARMINGTON: Cops target ring of thieves. In: Toronto Sun. 06.03.2018. http://torontosun.com/news/crime/warmington-cops-target-ring-of-theives [link-preview url=”http://torontosun.com/news/crime/warmington-cops-target-ring-of-theives”]

Mitrovica, UN, and Roma

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Finally, the UN seems to be agreeing on compensating the victims of the lead poisoning on the site of the EU refugee camp for Roma in Mitrovica. Better late than never …

– UN sollen Roma-Flüchtlinge entschädigen. In: GfbV. 05.03.2018. https://www.gfbv.de/de/news/un-sollen-roma-fluechtlinge-entschaedigen-9064/ [link-preview url=”https://www.gfbv.de/de/news/un-sollen-roma-fluechtlinge-entschaedigen-9064/”]

Switzerland and EU

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Following the late report of Switzerland on the Framework Agreement for the Protection of National Minorities, members from the Council of Europe were in Bern to speak with representatives of the Government and f the minorities. Jenishe, sinti, and also Roma organisations were also included in this dialogue.

– Europarat nimmt im Bernbiet die Lage der Jenischen und Sinti unter die Lupe. https://www.derbund.ch/bern/region/europarat-nimmt-im-bernbiet-die-lage-der-jenischen-und-sinti-unter-die-lupe/story/11801374 [link-preview url=”https://www.derbund.ch/bern/region/europarat-nimmt-im-bernbiet-die-lage-der-jenischen-und-sinti-unter-die-lupe/story/11801374″]

Ceija Stojka

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Another two articles on the retrospective of Ceija Stoika’s work in Paris.
A must see.

– Militante et rescapée des camps : l’artiste rom Ceija Stojka exposée à La Maison Rouge. In: Nova. 27.02.2018. http://www.nova.fr/militante-et-rescapee-des-camps-lartiste-rom-ceija-stojka-exposee-la-maison-rouge
– Paris würdigt Roma-Künstlerin Ceija Stojka mit Retrospektive. In: Salzburger Nachrichten. 28.02.2018. https://www.sn.at/kultur/allgemein/paris-wuerdigt-roma-kuenstlerin-ceija-stojka-mit-retrospektive-24813769 [link-preview url=”https://www.sn.at/kultur/allgemein/paris-wuerdigt-roma-kuenstlerin-ceija-stojka-mit-retrospektive-24813769″]
