Daily Archives: mars 9, 2018

75 Years

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An event in the Czech Republic to commemorate the deportation of Roma to Auschwitz. This is new in the Czech Republic …

– Event in Brno marks anniversary of Roma transfer to Auschwitz. In: The Prague Monitor. 07.03.2018. http://praguemonitor.com/2018/03/08/event-brno-marks-anniversary-roma-transfer-auschwitz [link-preview url=”http://praguemonitor.com/2018/03/08/event-brno-marks-anniversary-roma-transfer-auschwitz”]

Empowering Women

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The council of Europe is stating that women are change makers and that empowering Roma and Traveller women and girls to access leadership positions is the key towards the inclusion of Roma and Travellers into society.

– ROMA-Latest News. In: Council of Europe. 08.03.2018. https://www.coe.int/en/web/portal/-/empowering-roma-and-traveller-women-and-girls-to-access-leadership-positions-is-the-key-towards-the-inclusion [link-preview url=”https://www.coe.int/en/web/portal/-/empowering-roma-and-traveller-women-and-girls-to-access-leadership-positions-is-the-key-towards-the-inclusion”]

Clichés in Film

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An essay on the racists clichés that are prevalent in films regarding Roma. This was clear in the children movie “Nelly’s Adventures” which portrayed Roma in a totally stereotypic fashion. What is really bad is that the filmmakers and public alike do not even realise that the depiction of Roma is racist, because the stereotypes are so firmly anchored in society.

– MEHR EMPÖRUNG ÜBER ANTIZIGANISMUS IM FILM. In: Bell Tower. 08.03.2018. http://www.belltower.news/artikel/mehr-empörung-über-antiziganismus-im-film-13435 [link-preview url=”http://www.belltower.news/artikel/mehr-empörung-über-antiziganismus-im-film-13435″]

Camping Site

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A site for “foreign” travellers (i.e. Roma) is opening in Brügg, Switzerland. Switzerland has a policy of de-facto segregation – reserving sites for Swiss travellers only. This is a rather recent development, started around 2014.

– Transitplatz für Fahrende in Brügg. In: Bauernzeitung. 08.03.2018. https://www.bauernzeitung.ch/news-archiv/2018/transitplatz-fuer-fahrende-in-bruegg [link-preview url=”https://www.bauernzeitung.ch/news-archiv/2018/transitplatz-fuer-fahrende-in-bruegg”]
