Daily Archives: avril 1, 2018

Ireland and Immigration

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Support in Ireland for immigration, especially for Moslems and for Roma, is lower than the European average.

– Irish attitudes to immigration worse than European average – report. In: RTE. 29.03.2018. https://www.rte.ie/news/ireland/2018/0329/950816-attitudes_to_immigration/ [link-preview url=”https://www.rte.ie/news/ireland/2018/0329/950816-attitudes_to_immigration/”]

Hungary, Roma, and Elections

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Even though Janos Lazar claims that Roma show one cannot integrate migrants, Roma are still being courted by Orban’s party for the upcoming elections on April 8th. A scandal just emerged where the president of the Roma Autonomy Janos Balogh was recorded trying to convince an event organiser to just bill him for fictitious events. The money would then be paid by the state, i.e. by the taxpayer.
According to some people, this is a way to pay for the organisation of Roma vote, especially in the country side.

– „Akkor kapol hatszázat, tisztán” – Választási csalást szervezhet a roma vezető. In: Magyar Nemzet. 31.03.2018. https://mno.hu/belfold/akkor-kapol-hatszazat-tisztan-valasztasi-csalast-szervezhet-a-roma-vezeto-2456960
– Választási csalást szervezhet egy roma vezető. In: Magyar Nemzet. 30.03.2018. https://mno.hu/belfold/valasztasi-csalast-szervezhet-egy-roma-vezeto-2457077 [link-preview url=”https://mno.hu/belfold/akkor-kapol-hatszazat-tisztan-valasztasi-csalast-szervezhet-a-roma-vezeto-2456960 “]

Paris: Exhibition

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Another article on the photography exhibition in Paris called “Mondes Tsiganes – La Fabrique des Images” in the museum for migration.The exhibition aims at showing how stereotypes were created via photography.
BUT: The name “Tsigane” as well as the place “Immigration” museum are not the right ones. And the Press now speaks of “Travellers”…

– Les gens du voyage sous l’œil des photographes. In: RFI. 28.03.2018. http://www.rfi.fr/emission/20180328-gens-voyage-sous-oeil-photographes [link-preview url=”http://www.rfi.fr/emission/20180328-gens-voyage-sous-oeil-photographes”]

French Chronicle …

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The real news this week is that there is almost no news on Roma in France this week …
First, an article about the origins of the word Rom – and a total fallacy that it stems from “Rama” the Indian God. The article showcases two exhibitions in Paris, one of Ceija Stojka and one of photographs for Roma since 1860. Another article calls for solidarity with Roma (yes). Then, the more usual articles on camps – this time about a illegal dump said to have originated with Roma.

– Ni bohémien, ni gitan : la fabrique du mot “Rom”. In: France Culture. 25.03.2018. https://www.franceculture.fr/histoire/de-la-stigmatisation-a-la-confusion-la-fabrique-du-mot-rom
– Solidarité Rroms. In: RCF. 26.05.2018. https://rcf.fr/actualite/solidarite-rroms
– Yvelines : une chaîne humaine pour dénoncer la « mer de déchets ». In: Le Parisien. 31.03.2018. http://www.leparisien.fr/yvelines-78/yvelines-une-chaine-humaine-pour-denoncer-la-mer-de-dechets-31-03-2018-7639632.php
– Carrières-sous-Poissy : mobilisation pour la plaine envahie de déchets. In: Le Parisien. 30.03.2018. http://www.leparisien.fr/yvelines-78/carrieres-sous-poissy-mobilisation-pour-la-plaine-envahie-de-dechets-30-03-2018-7638105.php [link-preview url=”https://www.franceculture.fr/histoire/de-la-stigmatisation-a-la-confusion-la-fabrique-du-mot-rom “]
