Daily Archives: avril 21, 2018


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A Czech man was condemned to 12.5 years in prison for the shooting and murder of a Rom in Ušti nad Labem. He had shot 13 bullets at a van driven by the Rom.
Cheap for a life, but better than nothing. The killer is appealing.

– VIDEO: First-instance verdict in the Chomutov shooting case – 12.5 years. In: Romea. 19.04.2018. http://www.romea.cz/en/news/czech/video-first-instance-verdict-in-the-chomutov-shooting-case-12-5-years
– BREAKING NEWS: Czech shooter of Romani man gets 12.5 years in prison. In: Romea. 17.04.2018. http://www.romea.cz/en/news/czech/breaking-news-czech-shooter-of-romani-man-gets-12-5-years-in-prison [link-preview url=”http://www.romea.cz/en/news/czech/video-first-instance-verdict-in-the-chomutov-shooting-case-12-5-years “]

Rome: Repatriation

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Rome’s mayor, Virgina Raggi, now wants to use “assisted repatriations” for non-Italian Roma to ease the closure of the camps.
REALLY????? The Italians did everything in their powers to deny citizenship to Roma in camps. So people have lived for 30 years in those camps will be assisted to go back in their countries… It says a lot how far right Italy has gone.

– Roma, la Giunta della sindaca Raggi verso il “rimpatrio assistito” per i rom non italiani. In: il Fatto Quotidiano. 19.04.2018. https://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2018/04/19/roma-la-giunta-della-sindaca-raggi-verso-il-rimpatrio-assistito-per-i-rom-non-italiani/4304061/ [link-preview url=”https://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2018/04/19/roma-la-giunta-della-sindaca-raggi-verso-il-rimpatrio-assistito-per-i-rom-non-italiani/4304061/”]

Berlin Squat

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An article about a squat in Berlin that was recently closed. The Roma who lived there were evacuated. This article is actually quite good as the fault for the dire state of the property are pushed towards the owner rather than, as usual, towards Roma.

– Haus geräumt, Horror beendet? In: Die Zeit. 17.04.2018. http://www.zeit.de/gesellschaft/zeitgeschehen/2018-04/berlin-wedding-horrorhaus-raeumung-mieter-eigentuemer [link-preview url=”http://www.zeit.de/gesellschaft/zeitgeschehen/2018-04/berlin-wedding-horrorhaus-raeumung-mieter-eigentuemer”]

We do not say it …

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An interview with Rinaldo Strauss, a Sinti representative in Hesse on the occasion of a cultural evening aimed at fighting against stereotypes. He clearly says that many Sinti and Roma simply do not say they are.

– Viele Sinti und Roma verleugnen ihre Abstammung: Von Zigeunerbildern und Vorurteilen. In: HNA. 20.04.2018. https://www.hna.de/kassel/mitte-kassel-ort248256/interview-mit-rinaldo-strauss-sinti-und-roma-kaempfen-gegen-vorurteile-9796285.html [link-preview url=”https://www.hna.de/kassel/mitte-kassel-ort248256/interview-mit-rinaldo-strauss-sinti-und-roma-kaempfen-gegen-vorurteile-9796285.html”]
