Daily Archives: avril 22, 2018

Slovakia – Prešov

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The Prešov region will have a new counsellor for “socially excluded” communities – i.e. for Roma. The Role was given to Róbert Neupauer, who has field experience, mainly from a Roma settlement in the village of Križova Ves (Kežmarok district), where he worked in a mission-community centre.
The role is supposed to look for concrete solutions to the problems faced by Roma in the region.

– Prešovský kraj bude mať poradcu pre sociálne vylúčené komunity. In: Korzar. 19.04.2018. https://presov.korzar.sme.sk/c/20807491/presovsky-kraj-bude-mat-poradcu-pre-socialne-vylucene-komunity.html [link-preview url=”https://presov.korzar.sme.sk/c/20807491/presovsky-kraj-bude-mat-poradcu-pre-socialne-vylucene-komunity.html”]

Slovakia: Housing

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A project in Slovakia is helping Roma families to build their own houses. For that they need to save some money – 50 Euros per month for a year at least. Some of the houses will be built on the Lunik IX site in Košice.

– Rok si odkladá 50 eur, aby mohla preč z osady. In: Aktuality. 20.04.2018. https://www.aktuality.sk/clanok/582410/rok-si-odklada-50-eur-aby-mohla-prec-z-osady/ [link-preview url=”https://www.aktuality.sk/clanok/582410/rok-si-odklada-50-eur-aby-mohla-prec-z-osady/”]
