Daily Archives: mai 6, 2018


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Roma and Sinti are being described as “Invaders” in Italy in the press. The news are full of the use of “Invasion”, but, according to the Association “21 July”, the Roma and Sinti in Italy number about 180,000, of which about 26 thousand live in an emergency housing. One should add that these living in the camps have actually been prevented by the Italian state from settling properly and kept in camps for many decades.

– Rom e sinti “invasori” in Italia? Quelli senza casa sono solo lo 0,04%. In: Il Dubbio. 05.05.2018. http://ildubbio.news/ildubbio/2018/05/05/rom-e-sinti-invasori-in-italia/

French Chronicle

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Almost no news on Roma in France this week. First, an article on an initiative aimed at closing the shantytowns and at integration, also making sure that the situation of Roma improves in their home countries. Then the more usual story of a squat near Paris, and the usual story of the illegal garbage dumps that are often (and wrongly so) associated with Roma.

– « Peu de villes s’engagent dans la résorption des bidonvilles » – Michaël Guet. In: La gazette. 04.05.2018. http://www.lagazettedescommunes.com/561671/peu-de-villes-sengagent-dans-la-resorption-des-bidonvilles-michael-guet/
– Montévrain. Les familles de Roms squattant l’école d’Alembert en sursis. In: Actu.fr. 03.05.2018. https://actu.fr/ile-de-france/montevrain_77307/montevrain-familles-roms-squattant-lecole-dalembert-sursis_16657418.html
– Montévrain : face aux squatteurs, la mairie et les riverains dans l’impasse. In: Le Parisien. 04.05.2018. http://www.leparisien.fr/seine-et-marne-77/montevrain-face-aux-squatteurs-la-mairie-et-les-riverains-dans-l-impasse-04-05-2018-7698501.php
– En région parisienne, la maladie chronique des décharges sauvages. In: GoodPlanet. 01.05.2018. https://www.goodplanet.info/actualite/2018/05/01/en-region-parisienne-la-maladie-chronique-des-decharges-sauvages/
