Daily Archives: mai 7, 2018

The Unknown Florence Roma

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An article about Romanian Roma migrants in Florence, their work and a person helping them.

– The maverick’s ministry. In: The Florentine. 06.05.2018. http://www.theflorentine.net/lifestyle/2018/05/english-cemetery-florence-julia-holloway/ [link-preview url=”http://www.theflorentine.net/lifestyle/2018/05/english-cemetery-florence-julia-holloway/”]

Nograd and Roma

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An article about the Roma in Nograd, a region North East of Budapest, amongst the poorest in the country. A study has just been published and its results are not good.
Segregation has increased, something that anyone visiting the region can testify to.

– Dans le nord de la Hongrie, la situation se dégrade pour les familles roms. In: Le Courrier d’Europe Centrale. 30.04.2018. https://courrierdeuropecentrale.fr/nord-hongrie-enfants-roms-condamnes-misere/ [link-preview url=”https://courrierdeuropecentrale.fr/nord-hongrie-enfants-roms-condamnes-misere/”]

Slovakia: Subsidies and Roma

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A controversy is brewing in Slovakia on the allocation of subsidies for the culture of minorities. A commission was created to allocate the funds, but its members associations and families were allowed to bid for subsidies. Not good and bad publicity.

– Pred veľkou hostinou mali predjedlo: otec tvoril zákon, syn schválil dotácie. In: Aktuality. 04.05.2018. https://www.aktuality.sk/clanok/586262/velka-hostina-mala-predjedlo-otec-tvoril-zakon-syn-daval-dotacie/ [link-preview url=”https://www.aktuality.sk/clanok/586262/velka-hostina-mala-predjedlo-otec-tvoril-zakon-syn-daval-dotacie/”]
