Daily Archives: mai 17, 2018

A Tale

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The DDR book “Nackt unter Wölfen” [Naked among wolves] was for a long time a classic. A tale of heroic communists who liberated Buchenwald from inside, and who saved a Jewish child. The child effectively existed and survived. But survived he did because another child was sent to his death in Auschwitz. He was a Sinto.

– Welcher Junge kam nach Auschwitz? In: Die Zeit. 16.05.2018. https://www.zeit.de/2018/21/das-kind-auf-der-liste-annette-leo

Italian Commemorations

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A commemoration of the 16th of May in Rome.

– Rom, sinti e caminanti: la Resistenza è inziata il 16 maggio 1944 ad Auschwitz. In: Agora Vox. 16.05.2018. http://www.agoravox.it/Rom-sinti-e-caminanti-la.html
– Rom e Sinti, Agnone: il campo di concentramento a loro destinato e la memoria rimossa. In: La Republica. 16.05.2018. http://www.repubblica.it/solidarieta/diritti-umani/2018/05/16/news/rom_e_sinti_agnone_il_campo_di_concentramento_a_loro_destinato_e_la_memoria_rimossa-196585927/?refresh_ce
