Daily Archives: mai 23, 2018

Cultural Weeks

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Wiesbaden will hold cultural weeks against Anti-Tziganism between the 29th of May and the 24th of June. The Roma Philharmonic will give also give a concert, having secured the funding. Many other events will take place over the month.

– „Kulturwochen gegen Antiziganismus“ mit Ausstellung, Konzerten und Diskussionen in Wiesbaden. In: Weiesbadener Tagblatt. 22.05.2018. http://www.wiesbadener-tagblatt.de/freizeit/kunst-und-kultur/musik/kulturwochen-gegen-antiziganismus-mit-ausstellung-konzerten-und-diskussionen-in-wiesbaden_18786241.htm [link-preview url=”http://www.wiesbadener-tagblatt.de/freizeit/kunst-und-kultur/musik/kulturwochen-gegen-antiziganismus-mit-ausstellung-konzerten-und-diskussionen-in-wiesbaden_18786241.htm”]

Roma Travellers

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Several Roma are camping in Rüthi in the canton Saint Gall. They are apparently gathering for a wedding. The press is saying residents are afraid of the dirt, depredations etc. that will certainly occur.
Well, how about seeing first, and then saying what happened …

– Anwohner bangen vor Hochzeit unter Fahrenden. In: 20 Minuten CH. 23.05.2018. http://www.20min.ch/schweiz/ostschweiz/story/Fahrende-in-Ruethi-23594499 [link-preview url=”http://www.20min.ch/schweiz/ostschweiz/story/Fahrende-in-Ruethi-23594499″]

Appleby Horse Fair

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The main horse fair for travellers in the UK is being prepared. It will take place between the 7th and 13th of June.

– County Durham Prepares for Travellers Heading to Appleby Horse Fair. In: Durham Magazine. 22.05.2018. https://durhammagazine.co.uk/durham-news/county-durham-prepares-for-travellers-heading-to-appleby-horse-fair/02659/ [link-preview url=”https://durhammagazine.co.uk/durham-news/county-durham-prepares-for-travellers-heading-to-appleby-horse-fair/02659/”]
