Daily Archives: mai 24, 2018

Bad Publicity

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Another article on bride selling – this time in Croatia, a country where racism runs anyhow high. Again, the right question is not being asked: Is it “selling” or is it an early wedding with the Vlach tradition of paying the father of the bride.
Such small differentiations are probably too much to ask.

– Young Roma Brides Sold in Northern Croatia. In: Total Croatia. 23.05.2018. https://www.total-croatia-news.com/politics/28515-young-roma-brides-sold-in-northern-croatia [link-preview url=”https://www.total-croatia-news.com/politics/28515-young-roma-brides-sold-in-northern-croatia”]

Italy and Lega

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Now the Lega is part of the Italian government. And they are really racist against Roma. They are being branded as thieves and told their camp will be bulldozed and they will be sent back – to where? Most of them are born in Italy.

– Roma community outraged over Italy party leader’s discrimination. In: Al Jazeera. 23.05.2018. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/05/roma-community-outraged-italy-party-leaders-discrimination-180523185716479.html [link-preview url=”https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/05/roma-community-outraged-italy-party-leaders-discrimination-180523185716479.html”]

Ukraine: Again

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Again an attack against Roma in the Ukraine. This one took place in the Ternopil region on May 22nd.

– Возле Тернополя сожгли табор ромов. In: Segodnya. 23.05.2018. https://www.segodnya.ua/regions/lvov/vozle-ternopolya-sozhgli-lager-romov–1140762.html
– IN TERNOPIL REGION SHOT GYPSY CHILDREN. In: Bobrtimes. 23.05.2018. https://bobrtimes.com/in-ternopil-region-shot-gypsy-children/49790/ [link-preview url=”https://www.segodnya.ua/regions/lvov/vozle-ternopolya-sozhgli-lager-romov–1140762.html “]
