Daily Archives: mai 30, 2018


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The story of a young gifted Roma musician from a shantytown who was given a piano and now is giving concerts.
A drop in the ocean, but nevertheless, a positive story.

– Darovaný klavír ho dostal z osady na koncertné podium. In: Domov SME. 29.05.2018. https://domov.sme.sk/c/20836612/darovany-klavir-ho-dostal-z-osady-na-koncertne-podium.html [link-preview url=”https://domov.sme.sk/c/20836612/darovany-klavir-ho-dostal-z-osady-na-koncertne-podium.html”]

Slovakia and Children

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A depressing article about the prospects of young Roma from the settlements: If a child is born in a Roma settlement, he has no prospects for the future. He or she usually ends as his parents – without an education and under-employed. According to experts, poverty in Slovakia is due because of the persistent prejudice and the inability of schools to adapt to the needs of Roma children.

– Nikdy z teba nič nebude, počujú neraz deti Rómov. In: Slovensko. 28.05.2018. https://slovensko.hnonline.sk/1752058-nikdy-z-teba-nic-nebude-pocuju-neraz-deti-romov [link-preview url=”https://slovensko.hnonline.sk/1752058-nikdy-z-teba-nic-nebude-pocuju-neraz-deti-romov”]

Ukraine and Pogroms

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An article on the series of Pogroms in the Ukraine and the de-facto impunity of the perpetuators. Scary is the fact that this anti-Roma attitude in society has gained hold in recent years.
Bad for all.

– “За погромы ромов так никто и не ответил”. Кто разжигает нетерпимость в обществе. In Vesti. 26.05.2018. https://vesti-ukr.com/strana/290208-za-pohromy-romov-tak-nikto-i-ne-otvetil-kto-razzhihaet-neterpimostv-obshchestve [link-preview url=”https://vesti-ukr.com/strana/290208-za-pohromy-romov-tak-nikto-i-ne-otvetil-kto-razzhihaet-neterpimostv-obshchestve”]
