Daily Archives: juin 9, 2018

EU and Slovakia

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On the 7th and 8th of June, the EU Commissioner for Justice, Consumer Affairs and Gender Equality, Věra Jourová, visited Slovakia. During the visit, she wanted to understand the progress on the investigation of the murder of journalist Jana Kuciak and his wife Martina Kušnířová and to find out what measures Slovakia has taken to better integrate Roma pupils into Slovak schools.

– Na Slovensko zavíta eurokomisárka. Zaujímať sa bude o Kuciaka a Rómov. In: Aktualne. 06.06.2018. https://aktualne.centrum.sk/slovensko/spolocnost/na-slovensko-zavita-eurokomisarka-zaujimat-bude-kuciaka-romov.html

Slovakia and Minorities

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Further confusion and accusation in the case of the funding of minority culture in Slovakia. The commission responsible for distributing the funds is accused of improprieties such as granting money to their own organisations of to their families.
Bad and still continuing, now with political ramifications.

– Kauza Fondu na podporu kultúry národnostných menšín: Pochybné transakcie a rodinkárstvo, OĽaNO viní Most-Híd. In: CAS. 06.06.2018. https://www.cas.sk/clanok/702811/kauza-fondu-na-podporu-kultury-narodnostnych-mensin-pochybne-transakcie-a-rodinkarstvo-olano-vini-most-hid/

Wiesbaden Culture Weeks

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Another event during the culture weeks in Wiesbaden. A speech against discrimination.

– Wiesbadener Kulturwochen gegen Antiziganismus: Rinaldo Strauß vom Landesverband Deutscher Sinti und Roma spricht über Diskriminierung. In: Wiesbadener Tagblatt. 06.06.2018. http://www.wiesbadener-tagblatt.de/freizeit/kunst-und-kultur/musik/wiesbadener-kulturwochen-gegen-antiziganismus-rinaldo-strauss-vom-landesverband-deutscher-sinti-und-roma-spricht-ueber-diskriminierung_18820287.htm
