Daily Archives: juin 23, 2018

You Know Where it Starts

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The increased stigmatisation of Roma in Europe is slowly but surely alarming Jews also.
Took a while, because several countries (Hungary, for example) have been already putting up anti-Jewish propaganda.

– In Europe, the targeting of Roma sets off alarm bells for Jews. In: The Jewish Times. 21.06.2018. https://www.jta.org/2018/06/21/news-opinion/europe-targeting-roma-sets-off-alarm-bells-jews [link-preview url=”https://www.jta.org/2018/06/21/news-opinion/europe-targeting-roma-sets-off-alarm-bells-jews”]

Italy’s Court: Unconstitutional

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Giorgio Lattanzi, the president of Italy’s Constitutional Court, said Friday that registering Roma based on ethnicity would be a breach of the constitution.
Good for him!

– Roma register unconstitutional -justice. In: Ansa. 22.06.2018. http://www.ansa.it/english/news/politics/2018/06/22/roma-register-unconstitutional-justice-3_6c2a9be3-f567-41e7-8128-194bdd7daa22.html [link-preview url=”http://www.ansa.it/english/news/politics/2018/06/22/roma-register-unconstitutional-justice-3_6c2a9be3-f567-41e7-8128-194bdd7daa22.html”]

More on The Census of Roma

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Lots more articles on the proposed census of Roma in Italy. As already said, all papers miss the point… How do you know who is Rom?

– He’s a fool who says foolish things’: Italy’s Roma face new threat from Matteo Salvini. In: The Guardian. 21.05.2018. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/jun/21/roma-census-italy-hunt-illegal-immigrants
– ‘Come and see how we live’, Italy’s Roma tell government. In: The Local. 21.06.2018. https://www.thelocal.it/20180621/italy-roma-camp-matteo-salvini
– Salvini sparks outcry over Roma census and expulsion plans. In: Euractiv. 20.06.2018. https://www.euractiv.com/section/justice-home-affairs/news/salvini-sparks-outcry-over-roma-census-and-expulsion-plans/
– Italian Debate Over Roma Census: Matter of Sovereignty vs ‘Democracy Violation’. In: Sputnik News. 22.06.2018. https://sputniknews.com/analysis/201806221065664144-roma-debate-italy/
– An Italian Official Is Calling for a Census of the Roma Minority. Critics Warn It Reeks of Fascism. In: The Times. 20.06.2018. http://time.com/5316809/italy-matteo-salvini-roma-census/
– Italy’s interior minister announces plan to register Roma and Sinti. In: The World Socialist Web Site. 23.06.2018. http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2018/06/23/salv-j23.html
– Salvini’s call for Roma expulsion provokes ‘fascist’ outcry. In: Politico. 19.06.2018. https://www.politico.eu/article/matteo-salvinis-italy-roma-expulsion-outcry/ [link-preview url=”https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/jun/21/roma-census-italy-hunt-illegal-immigrants “]

Salvini’s Views

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In case you had any doubts … Read a summary of Salvini’s views on migrants and Roma. On Roma, he says that Roma with Italian citizenship will “unfortunately” be allowed to stay. Racists unfortunately also …

– This Far-Right Italian Politician Talked About “Cleansing” The Roma And Migrants. In: Buzz Feed News. 22.06.2018. https://www.buzzfeed.com/hayesbrown/this-video-has-people-concerned-about-a-mass-cleansing-in?utm_term=.hcg55rYw7#.dqdddLDb2 [link-preview url=”https://www.buzzfeed.com/hayesbrown/this-video-has-people-concerned-about-a-mass-cleansing-in?utm_term=.hcg55rYw7#.dqdddLDb2″]

Requiem for Auschwitz

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The Roma Philharmonic performed the Requiem for Auschwitz during the Wiesbaden Culture weeks.

– „Requiem für Auschwitz“ im Rahmen der Kulturwochen gegen Antiziganismus in Wiesbaden. In: Wiesbadener Kurier. 21.06.2018. http://www.wiesbadener-kurier.de/freizeit/kunst-und-kultur/musik/requiem-fuer-auschwitz-im-rahmen-der-kulturwochen-gegen-antiziganismus-in-wiesbaden_18865768.htm# [link-preview url=”http://www.wiesbadener-kurier.de/freizeit/kunst-und-kultur/musik/requiem-fuer-auschwitz-im-rahmen-der-kulturwochen-gegen-antiziganismus-in-wiesbaden_18865768.htm#”]
