Daily Archives: juin 25, 2018

Roma: The True Europeans …

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In the context of the European Cultural Heritage Year 2018, The European Roma Institute for Art and Culture organised an exhibition showcasing the Roma contribution to European Culture.
Pity that one always only speaks of 600 years … As if the Balkan and the Byzantine Empire have never been part of Europe.

– Sinti und Roma sehen sich als wahre Europäer. In: Deutschlandfunk. 20.06.2018. https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/europaeisches-kulturerbejahr-sinti-und-roma-sehen-sich-als.691.de.html?dram:article_id=420840

Italy: A Mayor Destroys a Sinti House

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In Southern Tyrol, a local mayor ordered and carried through the destruction of an “illegal” Sinti house. Salvini applauded …
We suggest that this mayor orders the destruction of all illegal buildings. That would clear a lot of space in Italy.

– Lega-Bürgermeisterin lässt Sintihaus abreißen. In: Südtirol News. 20.06.2018. https://www.suedtirolnews.it/italien/lega-buergermeisterin-laesst-sintihaus-abreissen
