The Roma camp of “Camping River” was cleared by the police yesterday. Clearly, no alternative lodging was provided. The camp closure goes against a ruling by the European Court of Human Rights that was blatantly ignored by the Italian authorities.
The Italian press was more in favour of the closure than the international one.
– Italy police clear big Roma camp in capital. In: BBC News. 26.07.2018.
– Hundreds of Roma forcibly evicted from camp in Rome. In: Al Jazeera. 26.07.2018.
– Italy begins clearing Roma camp despite EU ruling. In: Daily Sabbah. 26.07.2018.
– Räumung von illegaler Roma-Siedlung in Rom trotz EGMR-Urteil. In: Kleine Zeitung. 26.07.2018.
– Sgombero campo rom a Roma, Salvini: Corte europea non fermerà la legalità. In: Isole 24 Ore. 25.07.2018.
– Roma, Camping River, Corte Strasburgo: ok a sgombero dei 3 rom. Raggi: avevamo ragione. In: Corriere della Sera. 26.05.2018.
– Cittadinanza e Minoranze: “celebrato al Camping River il trionfo della illegalità”. In: Articolo 21. 26.07.2018.
– Sgombero terminato, Raggi: “Mai più ghetti”. In: In Terris. 26.07.2018.
– “Virginia, lasciaci in pace”: protesta rom contro sgombero del Camping River. In: Il Giornale. 26.07.2018. [link-preview url=” “]