Monthly Archives: juillet 2018


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A new book on the Romani women’s movement.

– [link-preview url=””]

Parasites … Critique

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Salvini is earning quite a bit of critique for his comment whereas many Roma are parasites. Two prominent catholic journals “Avvenire” and “Famiglia Cristiana” severely criticised him. Avvenire said: “Mo man is ever a parasite. A minister can speak like this”.
Meanwhile, the Corriere della Sera reminded who were the last “parasites” in Italy: The Jews under Mussolini.
Shame on Salvini.

– Dopo Famiglia Cristiana, anche Avvenire attacca Matteo Salvini: “I rom non sono parassiti, un ministro non può parlare così”. In: Fanpage. 26.07.2018.
– Avvenire attacca Salvini: “Nessun uomo è un parassita”. In: TPI News. 26.07.2018.
– Rom, anche L’Avvenire attacca Salvini: “Nessun uomo è mai un parassita”. In: L’Unione Sara. 26.07.2018.
– Rom, Avvenire contro Salvini: “Nessun uomo è mai un parassita”. In: 26.07.2018.
– Rom “sacca parassitaria”? E’ linguaggio filo-nazista. In: Articolo 21. 26.07.2018.
– Salvini e il peso delle parole: quando i «parassiti» erano gli ebrei. In: Corriere della Sera. 25.07.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Break their Kidneys

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Again, Raggi and Salvini … This time stating they will “break the kidneys” of Roma.
WRITE TO THEM in protest.

– La Raggi e Salvini hanno annunciato che “spezzeranno le reni” ai Sinti e ai Rom (di M. Castellano). In: Faro di Roma. 26.07.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Parasites …

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Mr. Salvini says it loud, and Ms. Raggi applauds: “Many Roma are parasites”.
Salvini doubles up and wants to get rid of Roma in Rome.
WRITE TO THEM in protest.

– Il fatto. Salvini: «Molti rom sono parassiti». Mattarella: no a veleni razziali. In: Avvenire. 25.07.2018.
– Matteo Salvini vows to clear Gypsies from Rome. In: The Times. 26.07.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

The Italian President

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Italy’s president Sergio Mattarella made an official statement in favour of Roma while the interior minister Salvini and the mayor of Roma Viginia Raggi both made derogatory ones about Roma.
Well done Mr. President.

– Racist laws led to Roma extermination. In: Ansa. 25.07.2018.
– Italian president warns against Roma people discrimination. In: Xinhua. 26.07.2018.
– Italian president warns against Roma people discrimination. In: 26.07.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Rome: Roma Camp

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The Roma camp of “Camping River” was cleared by the police yesterday. Clearly, no alternative lodging was provided. The camp closure goes against a ruling by the European Court of Human Rights that was blatantly ignored by the Italian authorities.
The Italian press was more in favour of the closure than the international one.

– Italy police clear big Roma camp in capital. In: BBC News. 26.07.2018.
– Hundreds of Roma forcibly evicted from camp in Rome. In: Al Jazeera. 26.07.2018.
– Italy begins clearing Roma camp despite EU ruling. In: Daily Sabbah. 26.07.2018.
– Räumung von illegaler Roma-Siedlung in Rom trotz EGMR-Urteil. In: Kleine Zeitung. 26.07.2018.
– Sgombero campo rom a Roma, Salvini: Corte europea non fermerà la legalità. In: Isole 24 Ore. 25.07.2018.
– Roma, Camping River, Corte Strasburgo: ok a sgombero dei 3 rom. Raggi: avevamo ragione. In: Corriere della Sera. 26.05.2018.
– Cittadinanza e Minoranze: “celebrato al Camping River il trionfo della illegalità”. In: Articolo 21. 26.07.2018.
– Sgombero terminato, Raggi: “Mai più ghetti”. In: In Terris. 26.07.2018.
– “Virginia, lasciaci in pace”: protesta rom contro sgombero del Camping River. In: Il Giornale. 26.07.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

New Book

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A new book on Roma in the UK.

– Claremont author explores history of Gypsies in new book. 24.07.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Switzerland and Travellers

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Another outrageous report on travelling Roma in Tele Züri – a conduct of rightists views. What is bad, is that it plays the local travellers and some Sinti against Roma.

– [link-preview url=””]

Alba Flores

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The Spanish actress Alba Flores, who is a Romni, is proud of its her origins. She says this in the interview she gave and repeated it on Instagram, sending a clear message to the Matteo Salvini by using the hashtags «Salvini demission», «Stop racism» and «Stop antitsiganism».

– Nairobi de «La Casa di Carta» contro Matteo Salvini: «Stop al razzismo, dimettiti». In: Vanity Fair. 18.07.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Croatia and Racism

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A Romni artist in Rijeka was told by a taxi driver that he would not give rides to gypsies and whores …
Summarises well what happens in Croatia.

– Umjetnicu koja izlaže u Rijeci napao vozač: ‘Ne vozim Cigane i ne vozim kurve. Vozim za dom i poglavnika’. In: Novilist. 25.07.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Ukraine – Some Movement

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The Ukrainian Government wants to create regional authorities on Roma affairs in regions with “large” Roma population.
Frankly what will they do. The issue is nationalism and segregation, not the lack of committees…

– Ukraine’s govt supports creation of regional authorities for Roma affairs. In: 24.07.2018.
– Cabinet supports creation of regional authorities for Roma affairs. In: Kyiv Post. 24.07.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Europe and Italy

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The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has suspended Rome’s move to close the Roma camp “Camping River” ordered by the mayor of Rome, Virginia Raggi. Alternative accommodation has to be provided.

– ECHR suspends clearing of Roma camp. In: Ansa. 24.07.2018. [link-preview url=””]


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The young Roma girl who was wounded by an air gun pellet on July 17th in the street of Rome is at risk of paralysis and is still in hospital. Meanwhile, the police have arrested a man who is accused of having shot the girl.
This is what happens when you stir hate. Thank you Mr. Salvini.

– Man probed for wounding Roma girl. In: Ansa. 24.07.2018.
– Bimba rom ferita rischia la paralisi: le ultime notizie sulle indagini. In: Roma Today. 20.07.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Attack in Žilina

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Several people attacked a small group or Roma in the Slovak own of Žilina. One has a brain haemorrhage and another a broken leg. “They started behind us, shouting – gypsies, we will kill you. They were throwing stones on us, bottles, screaming”.
The attackers fled when the police arrived.

– Rómov v Žiline dobila skupina mužov, jeden skončil v nemocnici s krvácaním do mozgu. In: Dennik. 23.07.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Slovenia and Italy

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The Slovenian press is beginning to report on the closure of legal Roma camps in Rome and the deportation of some of its residents.

– Občina Rim se je prva lotila izgona Romov. In: RTV Slovenia. 21.07.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Forced Labour

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Not a surprise, unfortunately, but the Mafia is exploiting Bulgarian Roma as cheap labour in Southern Italy.

– Bulgarian Roma – Labor Force Under Mafia Control in Southern Italy. In: EUScoop. [link-preview url=””]


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A new movement of Roma students in the Czech Republic wants to support and help young talented Roma.

– MfD: New movement wants to support young talented Roma. In: The Prague Daily Monitor. 20.07.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Gens du voyage

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Aerial pictures from a very large traveller camp in the UK. And of course a rant from the Daily Mail…

– Full extent of Europe’s biggest traveller site is revealed in aerial pictures of Essex camp meant for just 50 caravans on protected green belt land. In: The Daily Mail. 22.07.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Special Schools

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This does not only happen in Eastern Europe… The State of Nord Rhein Westphalia must pay a compensation to a young Rom from Serbia for having put him in special schools for mentally impaired.

– Land NRW muss zahlen Kölner jahrelang zu Unrecht auf Sonderschule. In: KSTA. 17.07.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Ten Years

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Ten years ago, a series of murders against Roma started in Hungary. This was definitively not a glorious chapter for Hungary.

– Das vergessene Verbrechen. In: Der Spiegel. 21.07.2018. [link-preview url=””]