Monthly Archives: juillet 2018

Book Review

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A review of a new book on Roma and Travellers in the UK. Frankly, the use of Gypsy in the title and in the description is not appropriate.

– Review: Gypsies: An English History by David Cressy — an outstanding study of a much-maligned minority. In: The Times. 22.07.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Denmark and Begging

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A year passed since Denmark banned begging. They arrested and condemned 52 people for begging, all foreigners. 32 of them were from Romania.
The law was clearly slated against Roma.

– Le Danemark fait le bilan de sa loi anti-mendicité. In: La Croix. 16.07.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

A Portrait

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The portrait of Ladislav Baláz, a militant against hate violence. The story is part of the Roma Memory Project which tries to present the fate of the Roma living in the Czech Republic today and to present the history of the Roma from the war to the present times through their own eyes.

Ladislav Baláž was born in Karviná in 1957. He was trained as a mechanic and worked as a professional driver. After the revolution he worked in the Roma Citizens’ Initiative, and from the end of the 1990s, he was engaged in the fight against hate violence. He was forced to emigrate to Great Britain due to threats, and he returned after years to continue the fight against racist attacks on the Roma.

– Ladislav Baláž: Odešel jsem do Anglie kvůli výhrůžkám smrtí. In: Romea. 20.07.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Returning Refugees

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An excellent reportage on the fate of refugees that were forced to go back to their home country from Germany. Especially in Kosovo, their fate is bad.

– Die Heimatlosen. In: Der Spiegel. 21.07.2018. [link-preview url=””]

French Chronicle …

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A young 24 years old pregnant Romni was arrested and jailed in Nice for having maltreated her other two children. Roma associations are vehemently protesting – saying she was jailed for being poor.
On the more positive side, Jeanine Bouvier is working hard to get Roma children into schools in Marseilles.
Near Paris, Roma who were evacuated from a camp that was closed are now lodged into a sports centre… And the Roma in Melun living in the former hospital can stay as a judge prevented their evacuation. Finally, in the North of France, Roma in Lille can stay for a bit longer.

– Bianca, la Rom, est en prison parce qu’elle est pauvre. In: Nice Matin. 22.07.2018.
– Une mère condamnée à un an de prison pour maltraitance sur ses enfants, des associations dénoncent “un procès de la misère”. In: Nice Matin. 21.07.2018.
– Elle scolarise les enfants roms de Marseille. In: L’Express. 21.07.2018.
– Lagny-sur-Marne. Des Roms hébergés dans le gymnase Leclerc. In: 19.07.2018.
– Lagny-sur-Marne : des Roms abrités au gymnase Leclerc. In: Le Parisien. 19.07.2018.
– Melun/Vaux-le-Pénil. La justice rejette la demande d’expulsion des Roms installés à l’ancien hôpital Marc-Jacquet. In: 19.07.2018.
– Mises sous pression, les familles roms de la rue de Bavay gagnent un répit. In: La Voix du Nord. [link-preview url=” “]

Switzerland and Travellers

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Yet another article in the press about the “foreign” Roma travellers and the problems they create. If the Swiss had done their jobs and effectively provided some official camping sites, it certainly would be easier.

– Polizei zeigt Fahrenden Grenzen auf. In: 20 Minuten (CH). 18.07.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Damian Le Bas’ Book

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A review of Damian Le Bas’ “Stopping Places”.

– From Cornish lay-bys to Oxford University, Damian Le Bas has created a cinematic portrayal of Gypsy Britain. In: Prospects. 18.07.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Ukraine, Nationalists, and Roma

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An interesting article on the current increased attacks against Roma by Ukrainian ultra-nationalists.

– Attacks on Roma Force Ukraine to Confront an Old Ethnic Enmity. In: The New York Times. 21.07.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Italy: Protests

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The Roma Sinti and Caminanti (RSC) and Roma Nation Association (ANR) with authorization from the Rome Police Headquarters, have started a permanent demonstration in front of Camping River. The demonstration continued till Friday 20 July 2018, and is a protest against the planned destruction of the Camping River Site as ordered by Rome’s mayor Virginia Raggi.

– Roma, Camping River | Nazione Rom: nuovo ricorso contro l’ordinanza del sindaco Raggi. In: Agora Vox. 19.07.2018.
– Roma, Raggi va in Romania verifica 14 rimpatri rom Camping River. In: Ask a News. 19.07.2018. [link-preview url=” “]


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The arrests continue in Rome in the Roma family that was a notorious mafia clan. The news went beyond Italy. Only good article is the one from the Corriere della Sera which clearly shows this has nothing to do with Roma and all to do with the mafia.

– Gangster wife risks all to shop Gypsy kings of cocaine trade. In: The Times. 19.07.2018.
– Casamonica, la pentita del clan: «Io, picchiata e umiliata da quelle belve». In: Corriere della Sera. 19.07.2018.
– Casamonica: Debora Cerreoni racconta le logiche del clan. In: Roma Today. 19.07.2018.
– Porta Furba è roccaforte dei Casamonica: i dettagli. In: Roma Today. 17.07.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Piešťany and Roma

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A flurry of articles in the Slovak press about a gathering of Roma in Piešťany, a spa town in the West of the country. They are apparently gathered because of a healer who has seen the Virgin Mary in a park there.

– Rómovia okupujú Piešťany, láka ich záhadný muž: Tajná minulosť „Spasiteľa“! In: Novy Čas. 19.07.2018.
– Piešťanský park zaplavili ľudské výkaly. Zanechávajú ich stovky Rómov, ktorí prišli za pochybným liečiteľom. In: Refresher. 18.07.2018.
– Rómovia z celého sveta prúdili do Piešťan: Čakali na liečiteľa, ktorý je vraj prevtelený Ježiš. In: Topky. 20.08.2018.–Cakali-na-liecitela–ktory-je-vraj-prevteleny-Jezis
– AKTUALIZOVANÉ: Rómovia uverili liečiteľovi z Piešťan, jeho povesť sa rýchlo šíri. In: Zpieštan. 18.07.2018.
– Stovky Rómov sa valia do Piešťan: Naozaj veria, že tam ZÁZRAČNOU liečbou vyzdravejú?! In: Pluska. 17.07.2018.
– Stovky Rómov prišli do Piešťan za “zázračným liečiteľom”. In: TV Noviny. 18.07.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Ukraine: Lviv Attack

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Two of the suspects of the deadly attack against Roma have been released under house arrest and 6 others remain in custody.

– Нападение на лагерь ромов во Львове: Двоих подозреваемых отпустили под домашний арест. In: 112. 19.07.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Ukraine: House Arrest

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One of the suspects of the Kiev attack against a Roma camp has been put under house arrest. Seems a bit on the “light” side…

– Нападение на ромов в Киеве: подозреваемого отправили под домашний арест. In: RBK Ukraine. 18.07.2018.
– Погром лагеря ромов на Лысой горе в Киеве: координатора праворадикалов С14 Мазура отправили под домашний арест. In: Unian. 20.07.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

We Don’t Need This …

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Two Roma arrested in Texas on suspicion of credit card fraud and theft.

– Friendswood police believe pair arrested has link to Romanian ‘gypsy’ clan. In: Click2 Houston. 17.07.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Ukraine: Systematic Persecution

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The UN is asking Ukraine to protect Roma from what the deem to be a systematic persecution.

– UN Urges Ukraine To Act To Protect Roma From ‘Systematic Persecution’. In: Radio Free Europe. 18.07.2018.
– UN experts urge Ukraine to stop ‘systematic persecution’ of Roma minority. In: UN News. 18.07.2018.
– Ukraine: Act now to stop systematic persecution of Roma. In: Scoop. 19.07.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Roma and Roma

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The Italian press, when speaking about Roma only shows camps, garbage, and criminality, especially after the arrest of 31 Roma who were members of a notorious mafia clan.

– Dopo Magliana, Riva Ostiense: sgomberati insediamenti abusivi all’ombra del Gazometro. In: Roma Today. 18.07.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Roma and Roma

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The Italian press, when speaking about Roma only shows camps, garbage, and criminality, especially after the arrest of 31 Roma who were members of a notorious mafia clan.

– Dopo Magliana, Riva Ostiense: sgomberati insediamenti abusivi all’ombra del Gazometro. In: Roma Today. 18.07.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Palermo: Closure

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A “nomad” camp was closed in Palermo due to insalubrity.

– Sequestrato per insalubrità il “campo nomadi” di Palermo. In: Ask a News. 18.07.2018.à-il-campo-nomadi-di-palermo-pn_20180718_00018/ [link-preview url=”à-il-campo-nomadi-di-palermo-pn_20180718_00018/”]

Palermo: Closure

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A “nomad” camp was closed in Palermo due to insalubrity.

– Sequestrato per insalubrità il “campo nomadi” di Palermo. In: Ask a News. 18.07.2018.à-il-campo-nomadi-di-palermo-pn_20180718_00018/ [link-preview url=”à-il-campo-nomadi-di-palermo-pn_20180718_00018/”]

Moscow Clean Up

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The story of the clean-up in Moscow prior and during the world cup. Clearly some Roma were affected.

– Roma Purged from World Cup as Moscow Undergoes ‘Clean-up’. In: Travellers Times. 16.07.2018. [link-preview url=””]