Daily Archives: août 21, 2018


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An article about the theatre troupe “Giuvlipen” and one of their plays.

– Romania’s Roma rise up with revolutionary theatre. In: Thomson Reuters Trust. 17.08.2018. http://news.trust.org/item/20170817110826-2loti/ [link-preview url=”http://news.trust.org/item/20170817110826-2loti/”]

Ukraine and Tuberculosis

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In Mukachevo, Roma are given food that is supposed to stop or prevent tuberculosis. Really??? This is nuts, especially since tuberculosis in those countries are often resitant to all antibiotics.

– На Мукачівщині ромів годують їжею, яка пригнічує туберкульозну паличку (ВІДЕО). In: ZAK Depo. 14.08.2018. https://zak.depo.ua/ukr/zak/na-mukachivschini-romiv-goduyut-yizheyu-yaka-prignichuye-tuberkuloznu-palichku-video-20180814821684 [link-preview url=”https://zak.depo.ua/ukr/zak/na-mukachivschini-romiv-goduyut-yizheyu-yaka-prignichuye-tuberkuloznu-palichku-video-20180814821684″]

Czech Republic: Brawl

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A simple argument between children at a pool in the Czech Republic turned into a brawl between Roma and Gadže. Here’s the view from the Romni whose child was involved in the initial dispute.

– Czech media, police accuse Romani family of inciting brawl with non-Roma at children’s pool, Romea.cz first to report the Romani mother’s testimony. In: Romea. 13.08.2018. http://www.romea.cz/en/news/czech/czech-media-police-accuse-romani-family-of-inciting-brawl-with-non-roma-at-children-s-pool-romea-cz-first-to-report-the [link-preview url=”http://www.romea.cz/en/news/czech/czech-media-police-accuse-romani-family-of-inciting-brawl-with-non-roma-at-children-s-pool-romea-cz-first-to-report-the”]
