Daily Archives: août 31, 2018

Two Exhibitions

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Two exhibitions on the Roma Holocaust in Germany.

– Ausstellung zum Völkermord an den Sinti und Roma. In: Neue Westfälische. 30.08.2018. https://www.nw.de/lokal/kreis_herford/herford/22229778_Ausstellung-zum-Voelkermord-an-den-Sinti-und-Roma.html
– Ausstellung zu Schicksal der Sinti. In: Nordwest Zeitung. 28.08.2018. https://www.nwzonline.de/ammerland/politik/rastede-ausstellung_a_50,2,1404006956.html [link-preview url=”https://www.nw.de/lokal/kreis_herford/herford/22229778_Ausstellung-zum-Voelkermord-an-den-Sinti-und-Roma.html “]

Bad Again

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News of Roma thieves in Kyiv. And commentaries that are really bad.

– “Посадити і депортувати”: в мережі шоковані кричущою поведінкою ромів у Києві (фото). In: In Lviv. 28.08.2018. https://inlviv.in.ua/ukraine/posadyty-i-deportuvaty-v-merezhi-shokovani-krychushhoyu-povedinkoyu-romiv-u-kyyevi-foto [link-preview url=”https://inlviv.in.ua/ukraine/posadyty-i-deportuvaty-v-merezhi-shokovani-krychushhoyu-povedinkoyu-romiv-u-kyyevi-foto”]

Roma in Europe

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A reportage on Ukrainian media in Slovakia – in Košice in the Lunik IX neighbourhood – and a reflection of Roma in Europe. What is positive is that they say that the integration of Roma is more of a problem of the majority than of the Roma. What is less so is that they say idiocies (that Roma lived in tent prior to the creation of the “vertical” ghettoes) and that they push a whole series of stereotypes.

– Місце ромів у Європі: як живуть та хто допомагає. In: Fakti. 28.08.2018. https://fakty.ictv.ua/ua/svit/20180828-mistse-romiv-u-yevropi-yak-zhyvut-ta-hto-dopomagaye/ [link-preview url=”https://fakty.ictv.ua/ua/svit/20180828-mistse-romiv-u-yevropi-yak-zhyvut-ta-hto-dopomagaye/”]
