Monthly Archives: août 2018

Not Good

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A new book on Roma in Hungary, and lots of falsehoods on their origins and arrival in Hungary.

– Emberevő cigányok és újmagyarok. In: Index. 22.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]


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Two articles on the dangers of “neo-fascism” and populism for minorities and refugees.

– Vom unrentablen Menschen. In: Junge Welt. 22.08.2018.
– Mojca Širok, novinarka in pisateljica. In: Mladina. 24.08.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Roma Spirit Jubilee

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Roma Spirit, now in its tenth year, is a program that aims at presenting successful examples of integration in Slovakia. The Roma Spirit 2018 award is awarded in seven categories – Personality, Culture, Town and City, Society and Employer, NGO, Media and Cinema of the Year.

– Jubilejný Roma Spirit predstaví dobré príklady integrácie Rómov. In: SME 22.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]

School and Roma

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A Slovak sociologist, Jarmila Lajčáková, Center for Research on Ethnicity and Culture says that gifted young Roma often do not go to college because they lack money or self-confidence. she created a program to help Roma prepare for admission exams and then graduate from the University of Economics in Bratislava.

– Sociologička Lajčáková: Samotná snaha mladých Rómov nestačí, potrebujú pomoc. In: SME. 22.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]


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A review of two recent books on Roma in the UK. One by Fabian Le Bas and one, more historical, by David Cressy.

– Gypsies by David Cressy and The Stopping Places by Damian Le Bas review – the truth about life on the road. In: The Guardian. 22.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Hell on Earth

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No comments – and a nice acknowledgement.

– ‘Hell on Earth was a German creation,’ says Foreign Minister on visit to Auschwitz. In: The Local (DE). 20.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Yes, They Existed

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A German priest, Arnold Fortuin, is being remembered by the Sinti community. During the Nazi times in Germany he protected many Sinti.

– Illingen erinnert sich an Arnold Fortuin. 21.08.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Not so Good

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A long article in the New York Times on a con-woman and a tale of deception and violence. What is bad is that the woman in question is a Kalderaškinja who seems to have bene adept at her game.
Not the best advertising …

– A New Wife, a Secret Past and a Trail of Loss and Blood. In: The New York Times. 21.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]


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An article about the theatre troupe “Giuvlipen” and one of their plays.

– Romania’s Roma rise up with revolutionary theatre. In: Thomson Reuters Trust. 17.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Ukraine and Tuberculosis

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In Mukachevo, Roma are given food that is supposed to stop or prevent tuberculosis. Really??? This is nuts, especially since tuberculosis in those countries are often resitant to all antibiotics.

– На Мукачівщині ромів годують їжею, яка пригнічує туберкульозну паличку (ВІДЕО). In: ZAK Depo. 14.08.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Czech Republic: Brawl

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A simple argument between children at a pool in the Czech Republic turned into a brawl between Roma and Gadže. Here’s the view from the Romni whose child was involved in the initial dispute.

– Czech media, police accuse Romani family of inciting brawl with non-Roma at children’s pool, first to report the Romani mother’s testimony. In: Romea. 13.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: Is there an Issue?

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The city of Jelšava, in Central Slovakia has a high proportion of Roma, according to the latest census. But according to the police and residents, the city doesn’t have any real problems with Roma. This is good for a change.

– Mesto Jelšava má najvyšší podiel Rómov, výrazné problémy s nimi nie sú. In: Hlavne Spravy. 18.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]


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An exhibition on the fight for civil rights of Sinti and Roma is currently open in Göttingen, Germany.

– Ausstellung zu Kampf um die Bürgerrechte von Sinti und Roma. In: Göttinger Tagblatt. 19.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Switzerland: Institutional Racism

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A young researcher from Göttingen in Germany has investigated the Swiss Federal Commission against Racism and comes out with a scathing review, saying Switzerland turns a blind eye on institutional racism and that the commission is actually fuelling it.

– Ist die Schweiz blind für Behörden-Rassismus? Das behauptet zumindest diese Forscherin. In: Watson. 19.08.2018.!519782544 [link-preview url=”!519782544″]

Switzerland: Lost …

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A judge in Fribourg (Switzerland) dismissed the complaint against racism that was lodged against 5 professional associations (three from Fribourg, two overall from Switzerland) who had advertised last year in the papers against giving work to Travellers and Roma. In these pamphlets, travellers and Roma were accused of shoddy work and practises, if not of outright fraud.
This highlights the difficulty in Switzerland to win such cases.

– Plainte pour discrimination raciale rejetée à Fribourg. In: Swissinfo. 17.08.2018.ée-à-fribourg/44333494 [link-preview url=”ée-à-fribourg/44333494″]

Solihull and Travellers

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The town of Solihull, near Birmingham (UK), has published the costs of clean-up of travellers camps on the commune in the last two years. Not pretty. Bad to flout the costs, allowing the press to seize the opportunity to bash travellers, but also bad that such high costs are needed in the first place.
A better solution needs to be found.

– The total cost of every traveller camp clean-up in Solihull revealed. In: The Birmingham Mail. 18.08.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Perpignan and Roma

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An interesting reportage showing that the French Gitans – Catalan Roma in this case are being quietly expulsed from the parts of the town where they have lived for a very long time. This is definitively not advertised in France …

– Catalan Gypsies, Unique and Embattled, Resist as Homes Are Reduced to Rubble. In: The New York Times. 18.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]

French Chronicle …

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Not that many news on Roma in France this week. Probably not because of a change of policies, rather still due to a summer pause in the press …
A camp in Lille will be closed on Monday, leaving 134 people without shelter. In Saint Denis, near Paris, a more constructive approach is being taken: Integration and education. And finally in Strasbourg, a squat was closed too.

– Les Roms du carrefour Pasteur à Lille expulsés lundi. In: 18.08.2018.
– Le camp rom du carrefour Pasteur de Lille sera évacué ce lundi. In: La Voix du Nord. 18.08.2018.
– A Lille, les Roms du Pont Pasteur expulsés lundi. In: France Bleu. 17.08.2018.
– Un hébergement qui “change la vie” pour des familles Roms de Saint-Denis. In: France Bleu. 19.08.2018.
– Le bidonville du square du Neuhof démantelé, la situation des migrants traitée au cas par cas. In: Rue89 Strasbourg. 17.08.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Romania – Action

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In Satu Mare, Roma activists donated blood and with the earned money, bought food and other necessities for a very poor family.

– FOTOGALERIE. Familie săracă lipită pământului, ajutată de rromi!. In: Presasm. 14.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]