Fairly harsh critique of Miloš Zeman, the current Czech president in the Slovak press. In a visit in a small community, Kojetín in the Olomouc region, and upon learning that the locals were afraid about unemployed Roma moving to their town, he chipped in:
“I am definitely not a friend of Communism, but during Communism the Roma had to work. Mostly they worked like dredgers, and when they refused to work, they went to jail”
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– Zeman navštevuje kraje, aby tam urážal novinárov, mimovládky a Rómov. In: SME. 27.09.2018. https://svet.sme.sk/c/20924231/zeman-chodi-po-cesku-a-nadava-na-romov.html
– Zeman o strachu z Rómov: Ľuďom odmietajúcim prácu by nemali byť vyplácané dávky. In: Hlavnne Spravy. 25.09.2018. https://www.hlavnespravy.sk/zeman-o-strachu-z-romov-ludom-odmietajucim-pracu-nemali-byt-vyplacane-davky/1530624 [link-preview url=”https://svet.sme.sk/c/20924231/zeman-chodi-po-cesku-a-nadava-na-romov.html “]