Daily Archives: septembre 10, 2018


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A two week event called “Romnokher” – Romano Kher – is under way in Manheim. Its aim is to present the Roma and Sinti, their culture and history to the public.

– „Wir machen unsere Kultur erlebbar“. In: Mahneimer Morgen. 07.09.2018. https://www.morgenweb.de/mannheimer-morgen_artikel,-mannheim-wir-machen-unsere-kultur-erlebbar-_arid,1311484.html [link-preview url=”https://www.morgenweb.de/mannheimer-morgen_artikel,-mannheim-wir-machen-unsere-kultur-erlebbar-_arid,1311484.html”]


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An exhibition on the lives, traditions and history of the Roma in the Netherlands opened in the Eindhoven Catharinakerk.

– Expositie toont tradities en soms tragische historie Sinti en Roma. In: Studio 40. 06.09.2018. https://www.studio040.nl/expositie-toont-tradities-en-soms-tragische-historie-sinti-en-roma/content/item?1098210 [link-preview url=”https://www.studio040.nl/expositie-toont-tradities-en-soms-tragische-historie-sinti-en-roma/content/item?1098210″]


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British MPs will be discussing with experts on what needs to be done to improve the educational situation of Roma and Traveller in the UK.
Let’s hope concrete actions will follow.

– Need to know: Gypsy and Roma educational inequality. In: TES. 10.09.2018. https://www.tes.com/news/need-know-gypsy-and-roma-educational-inequality [link-preview url=”https://www.tes.com/news/need-know-gypsy-and-roma-educational-inequality”]
