Daily Archives: septembre 25, 2018


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The home of the most “Roma palaces”, the Romanian city of Buzescu goes to Asia, and apparently also to the national geographic next month.

– It looks like the quarter Gypsy millionaires. Photo. In: MiceTimes. 24.09.2018. http://micetimes.asia/it-looks-like-the-quarter-gypsy-millionaires-photo/ [link-preview url=”http://micetimes.asia/it-looks-like-the-quarter-gypsy-millionaires-photo/”]

Italy: Who gives Way?

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A Roma camp ce borders the cemetery. At the expenses of a Roma camp which will have to move (Alternative? None).
Anyhow it doesn’t really matter as Salvini has decided to close all Roma camps.

– Il cimitero s’allarga, i Sinti si stringono. In: Il Giornale di Lecco. 24.09.2018. https://giornaledilecco.it/attualita/il-cimitero-sallarga-i-sinti-si-stringono/ [link-preview url=”https://giornaledilecco.it/attualita/il-cimitero-sallarga-i-sinti-si-stringono/”]

Italy: A Crime and a Statement

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Two Roma kid stole a car and ran over a woman before crashing into a police car. This prompted another Salvini outburst against hardened criminals, the criminal culture of camps (run by the state btw – and provided of bribes via the mafia to politicians)…

– Roma teens who hit woman criminals. In: Ansa. 24.09.2018. http://www.ansa.it/english/news/general_news/2018/09/24/roma-teens-who-hit-woman-criminals_9e24aa03-3c5a-4d77-b46d-0a70114a5d6f.html [link-preview url=”http://www.ansa.it/english/news/general_news/2018/09/24/roma-teens-who-hit-woman-criminals_9e24aa03-3c5a-4d77-b46d-0a70114a5d6f.html”]
