Daily Archives: octobre 9, 2018

In Case You Doubted

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Marián Mišún, a member of the extreme right party of Kotleba is an admirer of National Socialism and has published articles such as one entitled “Final solution to the Gypsy problem” …
This in Europe in 2018 …

– Kotlebov nádejný primátor obdivuje národný socializmus a v roku 2014 kandidoval spolu so zločincom. In: Dennik. 08.10.2018. https://dennikn.sk/blog/1225898/kotlebov-nadejny-primator-obdivuje-narodny-socializmus-a-v-roku-2014-kandidoval-spolu-so-zlocincom/

Desegregation in Slovakia

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The Plenipotentiary of the Government for Roma Communities Ábel Ravasz, the Public Protector of Rights Mária Patakyová, and the Principal School Inspector Viera Kalmárová signed a joint declaration on desegregation of the education system of Slovakia, pointing out the shortcomings in the education system.
Let’s hope it is effective!

– Desegregácia vzdelávacieho systému dostala konkrétne pravidlá. In: SME Domov. 08.12.2018. https://domov.sme.sk/c/20932163/desegregacia-generacna-chudoba-vzdelavanie-romovia-ravasz-ombudsmanka.html
