Monthly Archives: octobre 2018

We need you!

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Our page was reviewed and given a “1” in what we deem to be a racist review.
Was reported to Facebook – but to no avail. We banned the user as he had made other nasty comments.

So if you like the page, please review it!

Your Contact Point Team [link-preview url=””]


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Vladislav Ledecký, the Mayor of Spišský Hrhov, a village in Eastern Slovakia; Peter Pellegrini, the Slovak Prime Minister; and Thorbjorn Jagland, the Secretary General of the Council of Europe visited the village Spišské Hrhove, a village known for its successful Roma integration project.
Let’s hope that this PR event brings more than just a photo opportunity.

– Generálny tajomník Rady Európy navštívil Rómov v Spišskom Hrhove. In: Korzar. 16.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Okamura and Holocaust

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Okamura, the chairman of an extreme right party in the Czech republic together with his party colleague Miloslav Rozner have been exonerated by Blanka Valsamis, the Public Prosecutor (District Attorney) of Prague 4th District Office of any crime pertaining to their statements on Holocaust and the Lety concentration camps – they had denied it was a concentration camp saying people were free to move in and out as it was not fenced.

– Okamurove výroky o koncentráku nie sú trestným činom. In: SME. 16.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]

About the Story of a Rom

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The testimony of a Rom published in die Zeit has a follow up: In the corresponding Tagesspiegel article, one learns that the case against the arsonists who set the refugee home on fire, a fire that killed the Rom’s daughter was mishandled by the police and closed as it was not registered as manslaughter.

– Brennender Hass. In: Tageszeitung. 18.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Condemned …

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A man was sentenced to ten month of jail in Berlin for an attack against Roma and Sinti.

– Mann in Berlin für Angriff auf Sinti und Roma zu Gefängnisstrafe verurteilt. In: Die Zeit. 16.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Northern Ireland – Benefits

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A Roma Organisation was accused of having charged for benefits advices. This accusation has been dropped and an apology issued.
The accusations originally come from Roma themselves who later were unwilling to make formal depositions.

– Roma community group gets apology from Belfast Health Trust. In: BBC. 17.10.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Plovdiv – Destructions

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The city of Plovdiv has started destroying “illegal” Roma houses in the Mahala of Sheker.

– Demolition of illegal Roma homes in Plovdiv began amid heavy police presence. In: Focus. 17.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Germany, Hatred, and Roma

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A reportage on what it means to be Rom and confronted with violence against Roma.

– Brennender Hass. In: Die Zeit. 17.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia – Seminar

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The Municipal Office in Nitra and its the Social Affairs Department, organized a seminar on Vlax (Olaš) Roma in Nitra and on the possibility of working with it. The main lecturer was Mgr. Ivana Šustrová from the Regional Office of the Office of the Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Slovak Republic for Roma Communities.

– V meste pod Zoborom sa konal seminár na tému olašskí Rómovia v Nitre. In: Hlavne Spravy. 12.10.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Hungary – Condemnation

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Two men in Hungary were sentenced to thirteen and a half and seven and a half years of jail. The two men, according the to the accusation, were intending to kill wealthy Roma in 2015 with demilitarised weapons. Initially, they were accused of plotting to kill the Hungarian Prime Minister Orban, but that accusation was dropped later.

– Roma uzsorásokat akart kifosztani és meggyilkolni két idősödő neonáci. In: Index. 15.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]

We don’t need this!

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We need neither the article not the advertisement for the photographer …

– THE PHOTOGRAPHER SHOWED HOW TO LIVE THE MODERN GYPSIES. In: The Siver Telegraph. 15.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia, Books, and Roma

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A local initiative in a village to better the local library and make it accessible to the local Roma population.

– Aj Rómovia sú naši. In: SME. 12.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Neighbourhood Watch

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A project in Zvolen, Slovakia, funded by the EU integrated Roma to neighbourhood patrols to improve relations and to help prevent petty crimes.

– Muži v čiernom prehovorili, ako sa im v uliciach darí.In: SME. 15.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]

A Movie on Lunik IX

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A Polish movie on the Lunik IX estate in Košice won the Grand Video Awards 2018 in the category of Publications and Video Talk.

– Mikołaj Teperek: „Projekt Lunik” opowiada o trudnej integracji Romów i Słowaków. In: Press. 11.10.2018.,mikolaj-teperek_—-projekt-lunik—-opowiada-o-trudnej-integracji-romow-i-slowakow [link-preview url=”,mikolaj-teperek_—-projekt-lunik—-opowiada-o-trudnej-integracji-romow-i-slowakow”]

Poland and Integration

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The President of the “Royal Roma Foundation”, Bogdan Trojanek, wrote to the president of the city of Puławy and the chairman of the city council. He accused the councillors of propagating harmful stereotypes, and asked the local authorities to define a new program to integrate this community with the participation of Roma.

– Zobacz także: Posłowie o Romach w Puławach, wyjazdowa komisja sejmowa. In: Dziennik wschodni. 13.10.2018.,n,1000228629.html [link-preview url=”,n,1000228629.html”]

Uzhgorod: Fights

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Bad news in the Ukrainian press. Five Roma have beaten two youngsters in Uzhgorod in Western Ukraine. Apparently for no reason. The fight was caught on video.
In view of the high tensions in the Ukraine, this is really bad.

– Біля Драмтеатру в Ужгороді група ромів напала на юнаків, у одного важкий струс мозку з втратою пам’яті (ВІДЕО). In: 0312. 09.10.2018.
– В Ужгороді поліція розшукує ромів, які побили двох юнаків (ВІДЕО). In: Zak. 12.10.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Slovakia, Roma, and Churches …

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Slovak Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini said last week after the government’s outgoing meeting that the government wants to support Roma pastoralisation: Basically, the prime minister told the churches that if they are increasing the number of priests in Roma settlements, the government will increase its support.
Really???? What do churches have to do with Roma integration ????

– Keby som nevidel, ako viera mení životy Rómov, sám pochybujem. In: Dennik. 11.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Jobbik and Roma

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In case anyone doubts the view of the extreme right party Jobbik on Roma: The two sons of a prominent Jobbik party member are on trial for intimidation and threats against a Roma family.
Astonishing that they are on trial … Let’s see what comes out of it.

– “Csak sütögetni mentek” a Jobbik elnökének fiai, nem befenyíteni – folytatódik a per. In: 888. 11.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Hungary – Tensions

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A sad story in Encs, a small village in North Eastern Hungary: A five year old Roma girl was run over by a local, triggering a riot and resulting in police patrols in the village. This is just a sign of the tensions that exist in Hungary between Roma and the local population.

– Mindenfelé szaladgálnak a gyerekek Encsen, ahol egy gázolásból majdnem lincselés let. In: 444. 12.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]

French Chronicle …

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The trend is holding. Much less news on Roma lately in France. An article on schooling of Roma children in Marseilles; the closure of a squat in the same city; a conference on Roma and work in Toulouse; an integration attempt in the North in Lille; a mayor protesting the creation of an insertion village in his village; the same mayor trying to close an illegal camp; a camp closure near Paris; and finally a sordid extortion scheme that was run by Roma in Nantes.

– Marseille. VIDEO: Elle se bat pour défendre la scolarité des enfants de roms expulses. In: France 3 Régions. 11.10.2018.
– Marseille : la caserne Masséna évacuée. In: La Marseillaise. 08.10.2018.
– “La réussite professionnelle des Roms” – Conférence à Toulouse. In: Toulouse 7. 12.10.2018.
– Le « sas Roms » bientôt prêt à accueillir les trois familles du Pont-Royal. In: La Voix du Nord. 13.10.2018.
– Ne pas ajouter misère à pauvreté. In: Nord Éclair. 13.10.2018.
– Camp rom du Sartel: le maire prêt à aller en justice contre l’État. In: La Voix du Nord. 10.10.2018.
– Vigneux-sur-Seine : les Roms vont être évacués du plan d’eau. In: Évasions. 11.10.2018.
– Vigneux-sur-Seine : la justice ordonne l’évacuation du bidonville de la fosse Montalbot. In: Le Parisien. 10.10.2018.
– Nantes Séquestration et viol : les victimes étaient appâtées sur internet. In: Presse Océan. 12.10.2018. [link-preview url=” “]